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from Dalberg; named after Nils Dalberg (1736-1819), physician, in 1768 appointed as personal physician of the crown prince of Sweden and in 1773 as personal physician of the king, amateur and painstaking promotor of physical science, and his brother Carl Gustav Dalberg (b --, --; d --, --), officer in swiss duty and owner of an estate in Surinam, where he collected a herbarium with flowers preserved in spirit of wine comprising186 species, which he handled to king Gustav III of Sweden who sent them to Linnnaus to wards Christmas 1773. Linnaeus, who found himself being confined to bed, arrised immediately and started to investigate and describe the plants, and would later declare that he never had had such an enjoyable Christmas. When Dalberg visited Sweden in 1754 he offered a rent-free pension to a young naturalist who wanted to travel to Surinam, for which Linnaeus chose Rolander.

There was one illustrations found for epithet dalbergiae

4241712 699869 Nervilia kotschyi (Rchb.f.) Schltr. [80 699836 Nervilia dalbergiae Jum. & H. Perrier]
Fl. Madag., vol. 49(1): (Orchidées): p. 205 (1939) [M.J. Vesque]