Hierochloe redolens (Vahl) Roemer & Schultes [ Danthonia buchananii Buchanan]
Buchanan, J., Manual of the indigenous grasses of New Zealand (1878-1880)
Man. Grass. N. Zeal.

t. 35
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Hierochloe redolens (Vahl) Roemer & Schultes

name cited:
Danthonia buchananii Buchanan
name recognized:
Hierochloe redolens (Vahl) Roemer & Schultes
name recognized (basionym):
Holcus redolens Vahl
drawing: J. Buchanan
family: Gramineae
subfamily: Arundinoideae
tribe: Arundineae
epithet cited: buchananii

epithet recognized: redolens

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contact about this record homotypic synonyms:
Anthoxanthum redolens (Vahl) P.Royen; Holcus redolens Vahl; Torresia redolens (Vahl) Roemer & Schultes;
heterotypic synonyms:
Aira magellanica Lam. ex P. Beauv.; Anthoxanthum longifolium (Reeder) P.Royen; Avena redolens Pers.; Danthonia buchananii Buchanan; Disarrenum antarcticum Labill.; Hierochloe antarctica (Labill.) R. Br.; Hierochloe arenaria Steudel; Hierochloe banksiana Endl.; Hierochloe longifolia Reeder; Hierochloe magellanica (Desr.) Hook.f.; Hierochloe magellanica Hook.f.; Hierochloe moorei De Paula; Hierochloe redolens R. Br. ex Hook.f.; Hierochloe sorianoi De Paula; Holcus redolens Sol. ex G. Forst.; Melica magellanica Desr.; Torresia antarctica (Labill.) P. Beauv.; Torresia magellanica (Desr.) P. Beauv.;