Piper obliquum Ruiz & Pavon
Ruiz, H., Pavón, J., Original drawings of the Royal Botanical Expedition to the Viceroyalty of Peru (1777-1816)
Draw. Roy. Bot. Exped. Viceroy. Peru

t. 142 [63] f. a
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Piper obliquum Ruiz & Pavon

name cited:
Piper obliquum Ruiz & Pavon
name recognized:
Piper obliquum Ruiz & Pavon
drawing: I. Galvez
family: Piperaceae
epithet: obliquus,-a,-um

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Illustration contributed by:
Real Jardín Botánico, Madrid, Spain
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heterotypic synonyms:
Artanthe flagellaris (Kunth) Miq.; Artanthe magnifica Miq.; Artanthe superba Miq.; Piper aequilaterum C. DC.; Piper albopunctulatissimum Trel.; Piper archeri Trel. & Yunck.; Piper aristeguietae Yunck.; Piper catripense Yunck.; Piper caudefactum Trel. & Yunck.; Piper ceibense C. DC.; Piper cristicola Trel. ex Yunck.; Piper decorticans Trel. & Yunck.; Piper el-metanum Trel. & Yunck.; Piper esperancanum Yunck.; Piper flagellare Kunth; Piper flagellare Mart.; Piper fonteboanum Yunck.; Piper formicitolerans Trel.; Piper glabrifolium C. DC.; Piper infidele Trel. & Yunck.; Piper krukoffii Yunck.; Piper laterifissum Trel.; Piper ligatispicum Trel.; Piper mandinganum Trel. & Yunck.; Piper mayanum Lundell; Piper molanoi Trel. & Yunck.; Piper moritzianum (Miq.) C. DC.; Piper nanegalense Trel. & Yunck.; Piper nemorimarginis Trel.; Piper nudibracteatum C. DC.; Piper oparumaense Yunck.; Piper pacacanum Trel.; Piper pansamalanum C. DC.; Piper pennellii Trel. & Yunck.; Piper praeclarum Trel.; Piper pseudoglabrifolium Trel.; Piper pseudonobile C. DC.; Piper puberulibracteum C. DC.; Piper ruizianum D.Dietr.; Piper sanguineispicum Trel.; Piper sasaimanum Yunck.; Piper spoliatum Trel. & Yunck.; Piper statum Trel. & Yunck.; Piper striatinervosum Trel.; Piper subfuscum C. DC.; Piper submelanostictum C.DC.; Piper substomentosum Trel. & Yunck.; Piper subtropicum C. DC.; Piper tardans Trel.; Piper tomas-albertoi Trel. & Yunck.; Piper uaupesense Yunck.; Piper viscaianum Trel. & Yunck.; Steffensia obliqua (Ruiz & Pavon) Kunth;