Piper arboreum Aublet
Mutis, J.C., Drawings of the Royal Botanical Expedition to the new Kingdom of Granada (1783-1816)
Draw. Roy. Bot. Exped. Granada

t. 678
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Piper arboreum Aublet

name cited:
Piper arboreum Aublet
name recognized:
Piper arboreum Aublet
drawing: Francisco Javier Matis Mahecha
family: Piperaceae
epithet: arboreus,-a,-um

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Royal Botanical Garden, Madrid

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heterotypic synonyms:
Artanthe geniculata (Sw.) Miq.; Artanthe macrophylla (Kunth) Miq.; Artanthe macrophylla (Sw.) Griseb.; Artanthe nitida (Sw.) Miq.; Artanthe verrucosa Griseb.; Artanthe xestophylla Miq.; Artanthe xylopioides Miq.; Piper atlantidanum Trel.; Piper barriosense Trel. & Standl.; Piper canyazasense Trel.; Piper clavulispicum Trel.; Piper coyolesense Trel.; Piper crassicaule Trel.; Piper deltoideocarpum Trel.; Piper domingense C. DC.; Piper dumeticola C. DC.; Piper elasmophyllum Trel.; Piper falcifolium Trel.; Piper geniculatum Sw.; Piper griseopubens Trel.; Piper laevibracteum Trel.; Piper luschnathianum Kunth; Piper macrophyllum Kunth; Piper macrophyllum Sw.; Piper nigricaule Trel.; Piper nitidum Sw.; Piper nodulosum Link; Piper obumbratifolium Trel.; Piper ornatispicum Trel.; Piper perinaequilongum Trel.; Piper ponendum Trel.; Piper praemollitum Trel.; Piper pseudodilatatum C. DC.; Piper quadratilimbum Trel.; Piper salinasanum C. DC.; Piper salutatrix Trel.; Piper squalipelliculum Trel.; Piper subaequilaterum Trel.; Piper subnudispicum Trel.; Piper tesseraespicum Trel.; Piper toboganum C. DC.; Piper verbenanum C. DC.; Piper verrucosum Sw.; Piper viae-marginis Trel.; Piper vitabile Trel.; Piper xylopioides Kunth; Steffensia geniculata (Sw.) Kunth; Steffensia nitida (Sw.) Kunth; Steffensia verrucosa (Sw.) Kunth; Steffensia xylopioides Kunth;
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