Vrydagzynea nuda Blume
Smith, J.J., Orchideen von Java, Figurenatlas
Orch. Java

t. 60
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Vrydagzynea nuda Blume

name cited:
Vrydagzynea nuda Blume
name recognized:
Vrydagzynea nuda Blume
family: Orchidaceae
subfamily: Spiranthoideae
tribe: Erythrodeae
subtribe: Goodyerinae
epithet: nudus,-a,-um

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Illustration contributed by:
Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Herbarium Jany Renz. Botanical Institute, University of Basel, Switzerland
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heterotypic synonyms:
Hetaeria nuda (Blume) Miq.; Vrydagzynea formosana Hayata;
no full size  illustration available (3a)