Xanthorrhoea resinosa Pers.
Natural History Museum, London
Nat. Hist. Mus., London

[The Endeavour Botanical Illustrations]

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Xanthorrhoea resinosa Pers.

name cited:
Xanthorrhoea resinosa Pers.
name recognized:
Xanthorrhoea resinosa Pers.
drawing: James Miller
origin of:
J. Banks, D. Solander, James , Britten , Ill. Austral. Pl. Cook’s Voy., vol. 3 : t. 315 (1905) [James Miller]

family: Xanthorrhoeaceae
epithet: resinosus,-a,-um

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heterotypic synonyms:
Xanthorrhoea hastilis R. Br.; Xanthorrhoea hastilis Sm.; Xanthorrhoea resinifera (Sol. ex Kite) E.C.Nelson & D.J.Bedford;
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no HD illustration available //
2 1076511 Xanthorrhoea resinosa Pers.
Nat. Hist. Mus., London (The Endeavour Botanical Illustrations): (1768-1771) [James Miller]