Petrea volubilis L. [ Petrea stapeliae Paxton]
Lowis, L., Familiar Indian flowers (1881)

t. 6
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Petrea volubilis L.

name cited:
Petrea stapeliae Paxton
name recognized:
Petrea volubilis L.
drawing: L. Lowis
engraving/lithography: D. Blair
family: Verbenaceae
subfamily: Verbenoideae
tribe: Petreeae
epithet cited: stapeliae

epithet recognized: volubilis,-is,-e

Illustration contributed by:
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A.
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heterotypic synonyms:
Petrea amazonica Moldenke; Petrea arborea Kunth; Petrea arborescens Archer ex Moldenke; Petrea aspera Turcz.; Petrea atrocoerulea Moldenke; Petrea colombiana Moldenke; Petrea erecta Lodd.; Petrea fragrantissima Rusby; Petrea kohautiana C. Presl; Petrea mexicana Kunth ex M. Martens & Galeotti; Petrea mexicana Willd. ex Cham.; Petrea nitidula Moldenke; Petrea ovata M.Martens & Galeotti; Petrea pulchella Sessé & Moc.; Petrea retusa C. Presl; Petrea riparia Moldenke; Petrea rivularis Moldenke; Petrea serrata C. Presl; Petrea stapeliae Paxton; Petrea subserrata Bárcena; Petrea subserrata Cham.; Petrea swallenii Moldenke; Petrea vincentina Turcz.; Petrea volubilis Gaertner; Petrea volubilis Sessé & Moc.;
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6 772192 Petrea volubilis L.
L. Lowis, Familiar Indian flowers: t. 6 (1881) [L. Lowis]