Ceanothus americanus L.
Collection des vélins du Muséum national d’histoire naturelle
Coll. Vélins Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris

vol. 59
t. 79
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Ceanothus americanus L.

name cited:
Ceanothus americanus L.
name recognized:
Ceanothus americanus L.
drawing: M.F. Basseporte
family: Rhamnaceae
tribe: _rhamnaceads_not_assigned_to_a_tribe
epithet: americanus,-a,-um

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heterotypic synonyms:
Ceanothus decumbens Steudel; Ceanothus dillenianus K. Koch; Ceanothus ellipticus Raf.; Ceanothus glomeratus Raf.; Ceanothus hybridus K. Koch; Ceanothus intermedius Pursh; Ceanothus latifolius Raf.; Ceanothus levigatus Raf.; Ceanothus macrocarpus Steudel; Ceanothus macrophyllus Desf.; Ceanothus macrophyllus Dippel; Ceanothus milleri Tausch; Ceanothus multiflorus Dippel; Ceanothus officinalis Raf.; Ceanothus ovalifolius Wender.; Ceanothus perennis Pursh; Ceanothus pitcheri Pickering ex Torrey & A. Gray; Ceanothus procumbens K. Koch; Ceanothus reclinatus Bosc ex Steudel; Ceanothus sanguineus Nutt.; Ceanothus tardiflorus Hornem.; Ceanothus trinervus Moench; Ceanothus virgatus Raf.;
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