Hibiscus huegelii Endl.
North, M., Paintings
Paintings M. North

t. 791 f. 3
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Hibiscus huegelii Endl.

binominal name:
Hibiscus huegelii Endl.
name recognized:
Hibiscus huegelii Endl.
cited non-linnean name:
West Australian Shrubby Vegetation

drawing: M. North
family: Malvaceae
epithet: huegelii

Copyright reserved. Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, U.K.
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homotypic synonyms:
Alyogyne huegelii (Endl.) Fryxell;
heterotypic synonyms:
Hibiscus grossularifolius Miq.; Hibiscus wrayae Lindl.;
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2 513005 Hibiscus huegelii Endl.
M. North, Paintings M. North: t. 791, fig. 3 () [M. North]