Anredera vesicaria (Lam.) Gaertner f. [ Boussingaultia leptostachya Moq.]
Britton, N.L., Horne, F.W., Popular flora of Puerto Rico, Flora Borinqueña [unpublished watercolors]
Popular Fl. Puerto Rico

t. 68]
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Anredera vesicaria (Lam.) Gaertner f.

name cited:
Boussingaultia leptostachya Moq.
name recognized:
Anredera vesicaria (Lam.) Gaertner f.
name recognized (basionym):
Basella vesicaria Lam.
drawing: F.W. Horne
family: Basellaceae
epithet cited: leptostachyus,-a,-um

epithet recognized: vesicarius,-a,-um

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contact about this record homotypic synonyms:
Basella vesicaria Lam.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Anredera cumingii Hassk.; Anredera leptostachys (Moq.) Steenis; Anredera scandens Sm.; Anredera spicata J. Gmelin; Anredera spicata Pers.; Anredera vesiculosa Poiret; Atriplex spicata Stokes; Boussingaultia leptostachya Moq.; Clarisia volubilis Abat;