xx Datura metel L. [ Datura aegyptiaca Vis.]
Dapper, O., Naukeurige beschrijvinge der Afrikaensche gewesten (1676)
Nauk. Beschr. Afr. Gew.

p. 96 f. 4
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xx Datura metel L.

binominal name:
Datura aegyptiaca Vis.
name recognized:
xx Datura metel L.
cited non-linnean name:

P. Alpino, J. Vesling, De plantis Aegypti liber, editio altera emendatior: (1640)

family: Solanaceae
epithet cited: aegyptiacus,-a,-um

epithet recognized: metel

Illustration contributed by:
Leiden University Libraries, Leyden, The Netherlands
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homotypic synonyms:
Datura metel var. fastuosa (L.) Saff.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Datura fastuosa L.;
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xx 322041 Datura metel L.
O. Dapper, Nauk. Beschr. Afr. Gew.: p. 96, fig. 4 (1676)