Millettia 崖豆藤属
Millettia Wight & Arn. [Papilionaceae-Millettieae ]
100 OW tropics & subtrop. extending to N Aus. & Japan

Synonymous genera:
  1. Adinobotrys Dunn (0)
  2. Berebera Hochst. (0)
  3. Callerya Endl. (0)
  4. Endosamara Geesink (0)
  5. Galedupa Lam. (0)
  6. Hesperothamnus Brandegee (1919)
  7. Padbruggea Miq. (1855)
  8. Pongamia Vent. (1803)
  9. Whitfordia Elmer (0)
  10. Whitfordiodendron Elmer (0)

W. Cooper, W.T. Cooper, Fruits Austral. Trop. Rainforest: p. 203 (2004) [W.T. Cooper]
W. Cooper, W.T. Cooper, Fruits Austral. Trop. Rainforest: p. 213, fig. 3 (2004) [W.T. Cooper]
399581 671471 Millettia macrophylla Benth.
W.J. Hooker, J.D. Hooker, Icon. Pl., vol. 8 : t. 788 (1848) [W.H. Fitch]
399591 671471 Millettia macrophylla Benth.
W.J. Hooker, J.D. Hooker, Icon. Pl., vol. 8 : t. 789 (1848) [W.H. Fitch]
4818651 671588 Millettia sericea (Vent.) Benth. [181 830288 Pongamia sericea Vent.]
K. Watanabe, Ill. Useful Pl. South. Reg., vol. 2(1): (Edible plants): t. 426 (1945)
1665381 830248 Pongamia fruticosa (Roxb.) Ralph [181 884011 Robinia fruticosa Roxb.]
T.S. Ralph, Icon. Carpolog.: p. 23, t. 29, fig. 11 (1849) [T.S. Ralph]
1665371 830260 Pongamia macrophylla Ralph
T.S. Ralph, Icon. Carpolog.: p. 23, t. 29, fig. 10 (1849) [T.S. Ralph]
44117612 179187 Callerya australis species (Endl.) Schot [12 179187 Callerya australis species (Endl.) Schot]
F.M. Bailey, Compr. Cat. Queensland Pl.: p. 134, fig. 110 (1913) [C.T. White]
50318912 671431 Millettia japonica (Siebold & Zucc.) A. Gray [12 671431 Millettia japonica (Siebold & Zucc.) A. Gray]
T. Iwasaki, Honzo zufu , vol. 29(): (4): (1830-1844)
21677212 671521 Millettia pachycarpa species Benth.
B. Hayata, Icon. Pl. Formos., vol. 9 : t. 2 (1920) [F. Hayami]
443917179190 Callerya cinerea (Benth.) Schot
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., ser. 2, vol. 29(): : p. 142 (2012) [M. Yamanaka]
443948179190 Callerya cinerea (Benth.) Schot
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., ser. 2, vol. 29(): : t. 732 (2012) [M. Yamanaka]
444287179209 Callerya megasperma (F.Muell.)Schot
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., ser. 2, vol. 33(): : p. 367 (2016) [A. Barnard]
2912222 179215 Callerya pilipes (Bailey) Schot [80 671534 Millettia pilipes Bailey]
W. Cooper, W.T. Cooper, Fruits Austral. Trop. Rainforest: p. 202 (2004) [W.T. Cooper]
4622562 449128 Galedupa arborea Roxb.
W. Roxburgh, Icones Roxburgianae (India): t. 292 (1780-1815)
3711092 671308 Millettia capuronii Du Puy & Labat
Novon, vol. 5 : p. 172 (1995) [F. Theureau]
3719692 671321 Millettia chrysamaryssa Adema
Novon, vol. 9 : p. 290 (1999) [J.J. Wessendorp]
378582 671366 Millettia eetveldeana (Micheli) Hauman [80 618046 Lonchocarpus eetveldeanus Micheli]
Fl. Congo Belge, vol. 5 : p. 29, fig. A (1954) [J.M. Lerinckx]
3602432 671381 Millettia ferruginea (Hochst.) Baker [0]
L. Balugani, Drawings of African plants, from the collection made by J. Bruce on his travels to discover the source of the Nile (1767-1773): t. 167 (1765)
3602452 671381 Millettia ferruginea (Hochst.) Baker [0]
L. Balugani, Drawings of African plants, from the collection made by J. Bruce on his travels to discover the source of the Nile (1767-1773): t. 18 (1765)
2892402 671408 Millettia grandis (E. Meyer) Skeels [0]
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 62 : t. 2272 (2011) [G. Condy]
4488202 671411 Millettia griffoniana Baillon
Kew Bull., vol. 25(): : p. 264, fig. 2.1-4 (1971) [M. Grierson]
3711102 671420 Millettia hitsika Du Puy & Labat
Novon, vol. 5 : p. 174 (1995) [F. Theureau]
4526732 671443 Millettia lane-poolei Dunn
Kew Bull., vol. 25(): : p. 264, fig. 2.5 (1971) [M. Grierson]
4480592 671456 Millettia leonensis Hepper
Kew Bull., vol. 11(): : p. 121 (1956) [F.N. Hepper]
3711112 671495 Millettia nathaliae Du Puy & Labat
Novon, vol. 5 : p. 175 (1995) [M. Tebbs & F. Theureau]
3711122 671516 Millettia orientalis Du Puy & Labat
Novon, vol. 5 : p. 177 (1995) [F. Theureau]
495432 671521 Millettia pachycarpa Benth.
W.J. Hooker, J.D. Hooker, Icon. Pl., vol. 28 : t. 2738 (1902) [M. Smith]
378552 671550 Millettia psilopetala Harms
Fl. Congo Belge, vol. 5 : p. 21, t. 1 (1954) [J.M. Lerinckx]
4526742 671569 Millettia rhodantha Baillon
Kew Bull., vol. 25(): : p. 264, fig. 2.6 (1971) [M. Grierson]
1665112 671575 Millettia rubiginosa Wight & Arn.
T.S. Ralph, Icon. Carpolog.: p. 23, t. 27, fig. 6 (1849) [T.S. Ralph]
1297262 671575 Millettia rubiginosa Wight & Arn.
R. Wight, , Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient., vol. 1 : t. 207 (1846) [Rungia]
4051352 671604 Millettia splendens Wight & Arn.
R.H. Beddome, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. (Beddome), vol. 1 : t. 295 (1874) [Govindoo]
498442 671614 Millettia subpalmata Dunn
W.J. Hooker, J.D. Hooker, Icon. Pl., vol. 31 : t. 3039 (1915) [M. Smith]
3711132 671619 Millettia taolanaroensis Du Puy & Labat
Novon, vol. 5 : p. 178 (1995) [F. Theureau]
4939422 671623 Millettia theuszii (Buttner) De Wild. [0]
E.A.J. De Wildeman, Études Fl. Bas-Moyen-Congo, vol. 1(3): (Plates 44-73): t. 48 (1906)
4939412 671650 Millettia versicolor Baker
E.A.J. De Wildeman, Études Fl. Bas-Moyen-Congo, vol. 1(3): (Plates 44-73): t. 47 (1906)
602902 830292 Pongamia triphylla Wight
W.J. Hooker, Bot. Misc., vol. 3 : t. 41Suppl. (1833) [n.a.]
4818635 179186 Callerya atropurpurea (Wall.) Schot [116 830226 Pongamia atropurpurea Wall.]
K. Watanabe, Ill. Useful Pl. South. Reg., vol. 2(1): (Edible plants): t. 424 (1945)
378565 671356 Millettia drastica Baker
Fl. Congo Belge, vol. 5 : p. 27, t. 2 (1954) [J.M. Lerinckx]
378575 671356 Millettia drastica Baker
Fl. Congo Belge, vol. 5 : p. 29 (1954) [J.M. Lerinckx]
4613245 671378 Millettia extensa (Benth.) Baker [116 672411 Mimosa extensa Benth.]
W. Roxburgh, Icones Roxburgianae (Kew): t. 2329 (1780-1815)
4659515 671378 Millettia extensa (Benth.) Baker [116 672411 Mimosa extensa Benth.]
W. Roxburgh, Icones Roxburgianae (India): t. 2329 (1780-1815)
286915 671471 Millettia macrophylla Benth.
W.J. Hooker, Niger Fl.: t. 32-33 (1849) [W.H. Fitch]
3837755 671471 Millettia macrophylla Benth.
H.G.A. Engler, O. Drude, Veg. Erde, vol. 9(1): (Die Pflanzenwelt Afrikas insbesondere seiner tropischen Gebiete): p. 696, fig. 593 (1910)
4106585 830275 Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre [116 316235 Cytisus pinnatus L.]
Pl. Malab. Icon., vol. 1(): : t. 49 (1694-1710)
1214585 830275 Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre [125 316235 Cytisus pinnatus L.]
G.E. Rumphius (Rumpf), Herb. Amboin., vol. 3 : p. 183, t. 117 (1743)
1665136 179186 Callerya atropurpurea (Wall.) Schot [125 830226 Pongamia atropurpurea Wall.]
T.S. Ralph, Icon. Carpolog.: p. 23, t. 27, fig. 8 (1849) [T.S. Ralph]
107476 179186 Callerya atropurpurea (Wall.) Schot [125 830226 Pongamia atropurpurea Wall.]
N. Wallich, Pl. Asiat. Rar., vol. 1 : t. 78 (1830) [Vishnupersaud]
4076576 179187 Callerya australis (Endl.) Schot [125 851471 Pterocarpus australis Endl.]
Ferdinand Bauer, Illstr. Pl. Norfolk.: t. 149 (1833)
3669566 179187 Callerya australis (Endl.) Schot [125 851471 Pterocarpus australis Endl.]
S.L. Endlicher, Prodr. Fl. Norfolk.: t. 149 (1833)
4818646 179201 Callerya eriantha (Benth.) Schot [125 671371 Millettia eriantha Benth.]
K. Watanabe, Ill. Useful Pl. South. Reg., vol. 2(1): (Edible plants): t. 425 (1945)
40536 179209 Callerya megasperma (F.Muell.)Schot [125 1075045 Wisteria megasperma F. Muell.]
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 107 [ser. 3, vol. 37]: t. 6541 (1881) [A. Barnard]
3636416 179211 Callerya nieuwenhuisii (J.J. Sm.) Schot [125 671497 Millettia nieuwenhuisii J.J. Sm.]
J.G. Boerlage, S.H. Koorders, T. Valeton, Icon. Bogor., vol. 3 : t. 230-231 (1906-1909) [R. Natadipoera]
4613266 383666 Endosamara racemosa (Roxb.) R.Geesink [125 884113 Robinia racemosa Roxb.]
W. Roxburgh, Icones Roxburgianae (Kew): t. 300 (1780-1815)
4654316 383666 Endosamara racemosa (Roxb.) R.Geesink [125 884113 Robinia racemosa Roxb.]
W. Roxburgh, Icones Roxburgianae (India): t. 300 (1780-1815)
44416 671279 Millettia barteri (Benth.) Dunn [125 617992 Lonchocarpus barteri Benth.]
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 113 [ser. 3, vol. 43]: t. 6943 (1887) [M. Smith]
4939476 671279 Millettia barteri (Benth.) Dunn [125 617992 Lonchocarpus barteri Benth.]
E.A.J. De Wildeman, Études Fl. Bas-Moyen-Congo, vol. 1(3): (Plates 44-73): t. 53 (1906)
3231686 671330 Millettia comosa (Micheli) Hauman [125 618023 Lonchocarpus comosus Micheli]
E. de Wildeman, T. Durand, Illustrations de la flore du Congo [ in: Annales du musée du Congo, Botanique, Série 1, vol. 1] , vol. 1(8): : t. 92 (1902) [B. Herincq]
3230786 671366 Millettia eetveldeana (Micheli) Hauman [125 618046 Lonchocarpus eetveldeanus Micheli]
E. de Wildeman, T. Durand, Illustrations de la flore du Congo [ in: Annales du musée du Congo, Botanique, Série 1, vol. 1] , vol. 1(1): : t. 9 (1898) [B. Herincq]
3278186 671378 Millettia extensa (Benth.) Baker [125 672411 Mimosa extensa Benth.]
D. Brandis, Indian trees: p. 221, fig. 95 (1906) [R. Anheisser]
4613236 671391 Millettia fruticosa (DC.) Baker [125 1003682 Tephrosia fruticosa DC.]
W. Roxburgh, Icones Roxburgianae (Kew): t. 1891 (1780-1815)
4658166 671391 Millettia fruticosa (DC.) Baker [125 1003682 Tephrosia fruticosa DC.]
W. Roxburgh, Icones Roxburgianae (India): t. 1891 (1780-1815)
1918756 671408 Millettia grandis (E. Meyer) Skeels [80 671303 Millettia caffra Meissner]
J.M. Wood, M.S. Evans, Natal Pl., vol. 1 : t. 32 (1898)
498456 671411 Millettia griffoniana Baillon [0]
W.J. Hooker, J.D. Hooker, Icon. Pl., vol. 31 : t. 3040 (1915) [M. Smith]
1665626 671431 Millettia japonica (Siebold & Zucc.) A. Gray [125 1075039 Wisteria japonica Siebold & Zucc.]
T.S. Ralph, Icon. Carpolog.: p. 28, t. 31, fig. 10 (1849) [T.S. Ralph]
628856 671431 Millettia japonica (Siebold & Zucc.) A. Gray [125 1075039 Wisteria japonica Siebold & Zucc.]
P.F. von Siebold, J.G. Zuccarini, Fl. Jap., vol. 1 : t. 43 (1875)
4659476 671540 Millettia piscidia (Roxb.) Wight [125 449147 Galedupa piscidia Roxb.]
W. Roxburgh, Icones Roxburgianae (India): t. 2321 (1780-1815)
4600696 671540 Millettia piscidia (Roxb.) Wight [125 449147 Galedupa piscidia Roxb.]
W. Roxburgh, Icones Roxburgianae (Kew): t. 2321 (1780-1815)
2764426 671654 Millettia xylocarpia Miq.
S.H. Koorders, T. Valeton, Atlas Baumart. Java, vol. 1 : t. 24 (1913) [M. Mangoendimedjo]
2918116 830275 Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre [0]
W. Cooper, W.T. Cooper, Fruits Austral. Trop. Rainforest: p. 213, fig. 2 (2004) [W.T. Cooper]
4600676 830275 Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre [125 316235 Cytisus pinnatus L.]
W. Roxburgh, Icones Roxburgianae (Kew): t. 292 (1780-1815)
1295776 830275 Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre [125 316235 Cytisus pinnatus L.]
R. Wight, , Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient., vol. 1 : t. 59 (1846) [Rungia]
1229656 830275 Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre [125 316235 Cytisus pinnatus L.]
H.A. van Rheede tot Drakestein, Hort. Ind. Malab., vol. 6 : t. 3 (1686)
1401286 830275 Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre [125 316235 Cytisus pinnatus L.]
Bot. Mitt. Tropen, vol. 1891 fasicle 3, : t. 7, fig. 16 (1891) [W. Rose]
1665166 830275 Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre [125 316235 Cytisus pinnatus L.]
T.S. Ralph, Icon. Carpolog.: p. 23, t. 27, fig. 11 (1849) [T.S. Ralph]
2172186 830275 Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre [125 316235 Cytisus pinnatus L.]
E.P. Ventenat, Jard. Malmaison, vol. 1 : t. 28 (1803) [P.J. Redouté]
3821356 830275 Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre [125 316235 Cytisus pinnatus L.]
A. Gray, U.S. Expl. Exped., Atlas Phan. (Vol. 15 Botany pt. 1 Atlas): t. 53, fig. A (1856) [I. Sprague]
1932126 830275 Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre [125 316235 Cytisus pinnatus L.]
R.H. Beddome, Fl. Sylv. S. India, vol. 1 : t. 177 (1869) [Govindoo]
3908546 830275 Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre [125 316235 Cytisus pinnatus L.]
Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. 23 : t. 259, fig. 3 (1896)
3501546 830275 Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre [125 316235 Cytisus pinnatus L.]
J.B.P.A. de Monet de Lamarck, J.L.M. Poiret, Tabl. Encycl., vol. 3 (tt, 501-750): t. 603, fig. 1 (1823) [J.E. de Seve]
1620026 830275 Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre [125 316235 Cytisus pinnatus L.]
K.R. Kirtikar, B.D. Basu, Ind. Med. Pl., Plates, vol. 2 : t. 341 (1918)
2764416 830275 Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre [125 316235 Cytisus pinnatus L.]
S.H. Koorders, T. Valeton, Atlas Baumart. Java, vol. 1 : t. 23 (1913) [M. Mangoendimedjo]
4620536 830275 Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre [125 316235 Cytisus pinnatus L.]
W. Roxburgh, Icones Roxburgianae (Kew): t. 292u (1780-1815)
4244316 830275 Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre [125 316235 Cytisus pinnatus L.]
J.B.P.A. de Monet de Lamarck, J.L.M. Poiret, Tabl. Encycl., vol. 3 (tt, 501-750): t. 603, fig. 2 (1823) [J.E. de Seve]
444231671431 Millettia japonica (Siebold & Zucc.) A. Gray
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., ser. 2, vol. 32(): : p. 376 (2015) [S. Minsinger]
512418671471 Millettia macrophylla Benth.
Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin, vol. 5(): : p. 69 (1913)
510763830275 Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre
Ellis Rowan, Flower & Bird paintings: (1884)
511808830275 Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre
Ellis Rowan, Flower & Bird paintings: (1870-1921)
511812830275 Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre
Ellis Rowan, Flower & Bird paintings: (1870-1921)
62723Galedupa maculata test 17 Blanco
M. Blanco, Fl. Filip., ed. 3, vol. 2 (Atlas): t. 417 (1875)
62667Millettia xylocarpia Miq.
M. Blanco, Fl. Filip., ed. 3, vol. 1 (Atlas): t. 79 (1875) [xxx]
470370xx 671500 Millettia nitida Benth. [12 671499 Millettia nitida (Benth.) R.Geesink]
Nov. Actorum Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. Nat. Cur., vol. 19(1): : () [A. H]
392090xx 671500 Millettia nitida Benth. [12 671499 Millettia nitida (Benth.) R.Geesink]
Nova Acta Phys.-Med. Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. Nat. Cur., vol. 19(Suppl. 1): : t. 1 (1757-1839) [A. Henry]
392091xx 671500 Millettia nitida Benth. [12 671499 Millettia nitida (Benth.) R.Geesink]
Nova Acta Phys.-Med. Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. Nat. Cur., vol. 19(Suppl. 1): : t. 2 (1757-1839) [A. Henry]
501444xx 830275 Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre [12 830275 Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre]
D.V. Cowen, Flow. Trees Shrubs India: t. 15, fig. 1 (1950)
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