Protea L. [Proteaceae]
130 S Afr. and high mts of trop. Afr.

Synonymous genera:
  1. Erodendrum Salisb. (1807)

There were 96 accepted species found [distribution filter: global; grouped by species]

2881216 840296 Protea acaulos Reich.
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [Fay Anderson]
1357026 840296 Protea acaulos Reich.
J.W. Weinmann, Phytanthoza iconogr., vol. 4 : t. 897, fig. b (1745) [unsigned]
1147016 840296 Protea acaulos Reich.
W. Hooker, R.A. Salisbury, Parad. Lond.: t. 11 (1805) [W. Hooker]
3070926 840296 Protea acaulos Reich.
J.S. Kerner, Hort. Semperv., vol. 33 : t. 393 (1814) [J.S. Kerner]
90856 840296 Protea acaulos Reich.
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 46 : t. 2065 (1819) [n.a.]
2837286 840296 Protea acaulos Reich.
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 28 : t. 1115 (1950) [Smit]
2908062 840296 Protea acaulos Reich.
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 61 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

1 Protea acaulos Reich. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Protea acaulis Thunb.; Protea glaucophylla Salisb.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
87322 840300 Protea acuminata Sims
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 41 : t. 1694 (1815) [S.T. Edwards]
2405582 840300 Protea acuminata Sims
Allg. Teutsch. Gart.-Mag., ser. 2, vol. 4 : t. 23 (1819)
3072942 840300 Protea acuminata Sims
J.S. Kerner, Hort. Semperv., vol. 50 : t. 594 (1820) [J.S. Kerner]
2908212 840300 Protea acuminata Sims
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 76 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

2 Protea acuminata Sims distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Protea cedromontana Schltr.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2836012 840310 Protea amplexicaulis R. Br.
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 24 : t. 921 (1944) [Burges]
2898282 840310 Protea amplexicaulis R. Br.
Wild Fl. World: t. 75, fig. E () [B. Everard]
2908152 840310 Protea amplexicaulis R. Br.
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 70 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

3 Protea amplexicaulis R. Br. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
50944044 840313 Protea angolensis Welw.
O.H. Coates Palgrave, Trees C. Afr.: t. 90 (1957)

4 Protea angolensis Welw. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Protea chionantha Engl. & Gilg;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2908071 840319 Protea angustata R. Br.
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 62 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

5 Protea angustata R. Br. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2838362 840331 Protea aristata E.Phillips
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 33 : t. 1283 (1959) [Fay Anderson]
2907672 840331 Protea aristata E.Phillips
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 22 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

6 Protea aristata E.Phillips distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
3814552 840333 Protea aspera E.Phillips
I.B. Pole Evans, Fl. Pl. Afr., vol. 17 : t. 654 (1937) [C. Letty]
2833202 840333 Protea aspera E.Phillips
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 17 : t. 654 (1937) [C. Letty]
2907902 840333 Protea aspera E.Phillips
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 45 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

7 Protea aspera E.Phillips distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
28795712 840341 Protea aurea (Burm.f.) Rourke [12 840341 Protea aurea (Burm.f.) Rourke]
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [ Eksteen]
13570412 840341 Protea aurea (Burm.f.) Rourke [12 840341 Protea aurea (Burm.f.) Rourke]
J.W. Weinmann, Phytanthoza iconogr., vol. 4 : t. 902, fig. b (1745) [unsigned]
30718912 840341 Protea aurea (Burm.f.) Rourke [12 840341 Protea aurea (Burm.f.) Rourke]
J.S. Kerner, Hort. Semperv., vol. 41 : t. 489 (1817) [J.S. Kerner]
978412 840341 Protea aurea (Burm.f.) Rourke [12 840341 Protea aurea (Burm.f.) Rourke]
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 54 [ser. 2, vol. 1]: t. 2720 (1827) [W.J. Hooker]
18754412 840341 Protea aurea (Burm.f.) Rourke [12 840341 Protea aurea (Burm.f.) Rourke]
J.H.F. Link, F. Klotzsch, F. Otto, Icon. Pl. Rar. (Link, Klotzsch & Otto), vol. 1 : t. 22x (1841-1844) [C.F. Schmidt]
38940712 840341 Protea aurea (Burm.f.) Rourke [12 840341 Protea aurea (Burm.f.) Rourke]
H.G.A. Engler, Nat. Pflanzenfam., vol. 3(1): (Saururaceae, Piperaceae, Chloranthaceae, Lacistemaceae, Casuarinaceae, Juglandaceae, Myricaceae, Leitneriaceae, Salicaceae, Betulaceae, Fagaceae, Ulmaceae, Moraceae, Urticaceae, Proteaceae, Loranthaceae, Myzodendraceae, Santalaceae, Gubbiaceae, Olacaceae, Balanophoraceae, Aristolochiaceae, Rafflesiaceae, Hydnoraceae): p. 133, fig. 94 E,F (1899)
28908212 840341 Protea aurea (Burm.f.) Rourke [12 840341 Protea aurea (Burm.f.) Rourke]
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 43 : t. 1704 (1974)
2908362 840341 Protea aurea (Burm.f.) Rourke [80 599261 Leucadendron aureum Burm.f.]
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 54a (1980) [Fay Anderson]
290799 [111 599261 Leucadendron aureum Burm.f.]
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 54 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

8 Protea aurea (Burm.f.) Rourke distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Leucadendron aureum Burm.f.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

9 Protea baumii Engl. & Gilg distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
3302886 840363 Protea burchellii Stapf
M. North, Paintings M. North: t. 416, fig. 4 () [M. North]
2465526 840363 Protea burchellii Stapf
H.A. Schrader, J.C. Wendland, Sert. Hannov.: t. 7 (1795) [J.C. Wendland]
2407276 840363 Protea burchellii Stapf
A.J. Cavanilles, Icon. (Cavanilles), vol. 6 : t. 550 (1801) [A.J. Cavanilles]
1116316 840363 Protea burchellii Stapf
H.C. Andrews, Bot. Repos., vol. 4 : t. 270 (1802) [H.C. Andrews]
1120436 840363 Protea burchellii Stapf
H.C. Andrews, Bot. Repos., vol. 7 : t. 442 (1806) [H.C. Andrews]
3070516 840363 Protea burchellii Stapf
J.S. Kerner, Hort. Semperv., vol. 30 : t. 352 (1812) [J.S. Kerner]
967286 840363 Protea burchellii Stapf
S.T. Edwards, Bot. Reg., vol. 1 : t. 20 (1815) [S. Edwards]
3071826 840363 Protea burchellii Stapf
J.S. Kerner, Hort. Semperv., vol. 41 : t. 482 (1817) [J.S. Kerner]
4806296 840363 Protea burchellii Stapf
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Fl. Exot., vol. 4 : t. 218 (1835)
3817276 840363 Protea burchellii Stapf
I.B. Pole Evans, Fl. Pl. Afr., vol. 23 : t. 920 (1943) [E.K. Burges]
2836006 840363 Protea burchellii Stapf
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 23 : t. 920 (1943) [Burges]
2907742 840363 Protea burchellii Stapf
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 29 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

10 Protea burchellii Stapf distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Protea pulchella Andr. non Schrader & Wendl.; Protea pulchra Rycroft; Protea subpulchella Stapf;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2881312 840367 Protea caespitosa Andrews
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [Fay Anderson]
2881322 840367 Protea caespitosa Andrews
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [Fay Anderson]
1118872 840367 Protea caespitosa Andrews
H.C. Andrews, Bot. Repos., vol. 8 : t. 526 (1807) [H.C. Andrews]
2908352 840367 Protea caespitosa Andrews
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 42a (1980) [H. Mason]
2907872 840367 Protea caespitosa Andrews
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 42 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

11 Protea caespitosa Andrews distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Protea oletacea Guthrie; Protea turbiniflora R. Br.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
48246 840368 Protea caffra Meissner
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 119 [ser. 3, vol. 49]: t. 7331 (1893) [M. Smith]
48884412 840368 Protea caffra Meissner [80 840574 Protea kilimandscharica Engl.]
A.F.W. Schimper, Pflanzengeogr. (reissue 1908): p. 776, fig. 436 (1898)
2903712 840368 Protea caffra Meissner
C. Letty, Wild Fl. Transvaal: p. 115, t. 57 (1962) [C. Letty]
50961344 840368 Protea caffra Meissner
B. Jeppe, Trees Shrubs Witwatersrand, ed. 3: p. 57 (1974)
2907462 840368 Protea caffra Meissner
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 1 (1980) [L. Ripley]

12 Protea caffra Meissner distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Protea bolusii PHILLIPS; Protea multibracteata PHILLIPS; Protea rhodantha Hook.f.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1120382 840376 Protea canaliculata Andrews
H.C. Andrews, Bot. Repos., vol. 7 : t. 437 (1806) [H.C. Andrews]
3071642 840376 Protea canaliculata Andrews
J.S. Kerner, Hort. Semperv., vol. 39 : t. 464 (1816) [J.S. Kerner]
3809816 840376 Protea canaliculata Andrews
I.B. Pole Evans, Fl. Pl. Afr., vol. 5 : t. 192 (1925) [P. Badenhorst]
2830286 840376 Protea canaliculata Andrews
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 5 : t. 192 (1925) [Badenhorst]
2908222 840376 Protea canaliculata Andrews
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 77 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

13 Protea canaliculata Andrews distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Protea harmeri PHILLIPS;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2886582 840406 Protea compacta R. Br.
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 3 : t. 84 (1923)
3808712 840406 Protea compacta R. Br.
I.B. Pole Evans, Fl. Pl. Afr., vol. 3 : t. 84 (1923) [S. Gower]
2907712 840406 Protea compacta R. Br.
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 26 (1980) [unsigned]

14 Protea compacta R. Br. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Protea triandra Schltr.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2907562 840408 Protea comptonii Beard
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 11 (1980) [L. Ripley]

15 Protea comptonii Beard distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2881292 840422 Protea convexa E.Phillips
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [Fay Anderson]
2908092 840422 Protea convexa E.Phillips
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 64a (1980) [Fay Anderson]

16 Protea convexa E.Phillips distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
514524840423 Protea cordata Thunb.
C.P. Thunberg, J.E. Gevalin, Protea: t. 5, fig. 1 (1781)
4737662 840423 Protea cordata Thunb.
P.J. Buchoz, Grand Jard.: t. 38 (1785-1791)
76902 840423 Protea cordata Thunb.
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 18 : t. 649 (1803) [S.T. Edwards]
1117482 840423 Protea cordata Thunb.
H.C. Andrews, Bot. Repos., vol. 5 : t. 289 (1803) [H.C. Andrews]
3070762 840423 Protea cordata Thunb.
J.S. Kerner, Hort. Semperv., vol. 32 : t. 377 (1813) [J.S. Kerner]
2908162 840423 Protea cordata Thunb.
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 71 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

17 Protea cordata Thunb. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
3592002 840427 Protea coronata Lam.
F. Masson, Water-colour drawings of Plants from South Africa, Canaries, Azores, West Indies (unpublished) : t. 36 () [F. Masson]
2596582 840427 Protea coronata Lam.
Coll. Vélins Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris, vol. 15 : t. 15 () [P.J. Redouté]
2881422 840427 Protea coronata Lam.
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [Fay Anderson]
1120702 840427 Protea coronata Lam.
H.C. Andrews, Bot. Repos., vol. 7 : t. 469 (1806) [H.C. Andrews]
2720752 840427 Protea coronata Lam.
P.J.F. Turpin, Dict. Sci. Nat., Pl. Bot., vol. 3 : (1816-1829) [P.J.F. Turpin]
2890166 840427 Protea coronata Lam.
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 38 : t. 1496 (1967)
2907812 840427 Protea coronata Lam.
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 36 (1980) [unsigned]

18 Protea coronata Lam. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Protea incompta R. Br.; Protea macrocephala Thunb.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2839932 840437 Protea cryophila Bolus
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 38 : t. 1509 (1967) [vanderMerwe]
2907642 840437 Protea cryophila Bolus
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 19 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

19 Protea cryophila Bolus distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2907572 840440 Protea curvata N.E. Br.
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 12 (1980) [L. Ripley]

20 Protea curvata N.E. Br. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

682292 840445 Protea cynaroides (L.) L. [80 599307 Leucadendron cynaroides L.]
Photo Max Antheunisse, South Africa, Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden

682302 840445 Protea cynaroides (L.) L. [80 599307 Leucadendron cynaroides L.]
Photo Max Antheunisse, South Africa, Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden

682322 840445 Protea cynaroides (L.) L. [80 599307 Leucadendron cynaroides L.]
Photo Max Antheunisse, South Africa, Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden

682332 840445 Protea cynaroides (L.) L. [80 599307 Leucadendron cynaroides L.]
Photo Max Antheunisse, South Africa, Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden
3296522 840445 Protea cynaroides (L.) L. [80 599307 Leucadendron cynaroides L.]
M. North, Paintings M. North: t. 419 () [M. North]
1268912 840445 Protea cynaroides (L.) L. [80 599307 Leucadendron cynaroides L.]
J.W. Weinmann, Phytanthoza iconogr., vol. 4 : t. 892 (1745) [unsigned]
1116492 840445 Protea cynaroides (L.) L. [80 599307 Leucadendron cynaroides L.]
H.C. Andrews, Bot. Repos., vol. 4 : t. 288 (1802) [H.C. Andrews]
18772 840445 Protea cynaroides (L.) L. [80 599307 Leucadendron cynaroides L.]
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 20 : t. 770 (1804) [S.T. Edwards]
3074092 840445 Protea cynaroides (L.) L. [80 599307 Leucadendron cynaroides L.]
J.S. Kerner, Hort. Semperv., vol. 60 : t. 709 (1825) [J.S. Kerner]
4806302 840445 Protea cynaroides (L.) L. [80 599307 Leucadendron cynaroides L.]
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Fl. Exot., vol. 4 : t. 219 (1835)
720442 840445 Protea cynaroides (L.) L. [80 599307 Leucadendron cynaroides L.]
B. Maund, J.S. Henslow, Botanist, vol. 4 : t. 166 (1840)
4692082 840445 Protea cynaroides (L.) L. [80 599307 Leucadendron cynaroides L.]
A. Hartinger, Parad. Vindob.: t. 43 (1846)
4234342 840445 Protea cynaroides (L.) L. [80 599307 Leucadendron cynaroides L.]
M.A. Burnett, G.T. Burnett, Pl. Util., vol. 3 : t. 35 (1847)
863552 840445 Protea cynaroides (L.) L. [80 599307 Leucadendron cynaroides L.]
A. Roupell, Sp. Fl. S. Afr.: t. 8 (1849) [A. Roupell]
3810212 840445 Protea cynaroides (L.) L. [80 599307 Leucadendron cynaroides L.]
I.B. Pole Evans, Fl. Pl. Afr., vol. 6 : t. 231 (1926) [K.A. Lansdell]
2830242 840445 Protea cynaroides (L.) L. [80 599307 Leucadendron cynaroides L.]
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 6 : t. 231 (1926) [K.A. Lansdell]
2908292 840445 Protea cynaroides (L.) L. [80 599307 Leucadendron cynaroides L.]
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 16a (1980) [Fay Anderson]
2908302 840445 Protea cynaroides (L.) L. [80 599307 Leucadendron cynaroides L.]
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 16b (1980) [Fay Anderson]
2907612 840445 Protea cynaroides (L.) L. [80 599307 Leucadendron cynaroides L.]
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 16 (1980) [L. Ripley]

21 Protea cynaroides (L.) L. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Leucadendron cynaroides L.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2881472 840453 Protea decurrens E.Phillips
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [Fay Anderson]
2908172 840453 Protea decurrens E.Phillips
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 72 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

22 Protea decurrens E.Phillips distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

23 Protea dekindtiana Engl. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2881232 840469 Protea effusa E. Mey. Ex Meissner
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [Fay Anderson]
2908122 840469 Protea effusa E. Mey. Ex Meissner
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 67 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

24 Protea effusa E. Mey. Ex Meissner distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Protea marlothii PHILLIPS;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2881382 840485 Protea eximia (Knight) Fourc. [80 1234495 Erodendrum eximium Knight]
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [Fay Anderson]
1644625 840485 Protea eximia (Knight) Fourc. [116 1234495 Erodendrum eximium Knight]
H.C. Andrews, Bot. Repos., vol. 10 : t. 646 (1810) [H.C. Andrews]
87346 840485 Protea eximia (Knight) Fourc. [125 1234495 Erodendrum eximium Knight]
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 41 : t. 1717 (1815) [n.a.]
2596596 840485 Protea eximia (Knight) Fourc. [125 1234495 Erodendrum eximium Knight]
Coll. Vélins Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris, vol. 15 : t. 16 (1818) [P.J. Redouté]
3072655 840485 Protea eximia (Knight) Fourc. [116 1234495 Erodendrum eximium Knight]
J.S. Kerner, Hort. Semperv., vol. 48 : t. 565 (1819) [J.S. Kerner]
2405606 840485 Protea eximia (Knight) Fourc. [125 1234495 Erodendrum eximium Knight]
Allg. Teutsch. Gart.-Mag., ser. 2, vol. 4 : t. 25 (1819)
3073016 840485 Protea eximia (Knight) Fourc. [125 1234495 Erodendrum eximium Knight]
J.S. Kerner, Hort. Semperv., vol. 51 : t. 601 (1821) [J.S. Kerner]
3075985 840485 Protea eximia (Knight) Fourc. [116 1234495 Erodendrum eximium Knight]
J.S. Kerner, Hort. Semperv., vol. 76 : t. 909 (1829) [J.S. Kerner]
576215 840485 Protea eximia (Knight) Fourc. [116 1234495 Erodendrum eximium Knight]
A. Bonpland, Descr. Pl. Malmaison: p. 144, t. 59 (1831) [P.J. Redouté]
4806845 840485 Protea eximia (Knight) Fourc. [116 1234495 Erodendrum eximium Knight]
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Fl. Exot., vol. 4 : t. 273 (1835)
3819166 840485 Protea eximia (Knight) Fourc. [125 1234495 Erodendrum eximium Knight]
I.B. Pole Evans, Fl. Pl. Afr., vol. 28 : t. 1097 (1948) [? 1949]
2889206 840485 Protea eximia (Knight) Fourc. [125 1234495 Erodendrum eximium Knight]
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 28 : t. 1097 (1950)
2907702 840485 Protea eximia (Knight) Fourc. [80 1234495 Erodendrum eximium Knight]
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 25 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

25 Protea eximia (Knight) Fourc. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Erodendrum eximium Knight;
heterotypic synonyms:
Protea latifolia R. Br.; Protea radiata Andrews; Protea radiata Bonpl.; Protea radiata Bonpl. ex Rchb.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

26 Protea flavopilosa Beard distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2908012 840498 Protea foliosa Rourke
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 56 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

27 Protea foliosa Rourke distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
3602152 840507 Protea gaguedi J. Gmelin
L. Balugani, Drawings of African plants, from the collection made by J. Bruce on his travels to discover the source of the Nile (1767-1773): t. 206 (1765)
3600632 840507 Protea gaguedi J. Gmelin
L. Balugani, Drawings of African plants, from the collection made by J. Bruce on his travels to discover the source of the Nile (1767-1773): t. 24 (1765)
2491812 840507 Protea gaguedi J. Gmelin
Trav. Disc. Source Nile (Cartes et figures du Voyage en Nubie et en Abyssinie): t. 15 (1792)
2491822 840507 Protea gaguedi J. Gmelin
Trav. Disc. Source Nile (Cartes et figures du Voyage en Nubie et en Abyssinie): t. 16 (1792)
2886406 840507 Protea gaguedi J. Gmelin
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 1 : t. 22 (1920)
1904296 840507 Protea gaguedi J. Gmelin
I.B. Pole Evans, Fl. Pl. Afr., vol. 1 : t. 22 (1921) [K.A. Lansdell]
2828592 840507 Protea gaguedi J. Gmelin
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 32 : t. 1280 (1957) [C. Letty]
2903722 840507 Protea gaguedi J. Gmelin
C. Letty, Wild Fl. Transvaal: p. 118, t. 58 (1962) [C. Letty]
2907602 840507 Protea gaguedi J. Gmelin
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 15 (1980) [L. Ripley]

28 Protea gaguedi J. Gmelin distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Protea abyssinica Willd.; Protea chrysolepis Engl. & Gilg; Protea trigona E. Phillips;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2881151 840511 Protea glabra Thunb.
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [Fay Anderson]
2907531 840511 Protea glabra Thunb.
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 8 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

29 Protea glabra Thunb. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2881272 840528 Protea grandiceps Tratt.
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [Fay Anderson]
2408572 840528 Protea grandiceps Tratt.
Allg. Teutsch. Gart.-Mag., vol. 5 : t. 9 (1808)
3070362 840528 Protea grandiceps Tratt.
J.S. Kerner, Hort. Semperv., vol. 29 : t. 337 (1811) [J.S. Kerner]
2838962 840528 Protea grandiceps Tratt.
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 35 : t. 1386 (1962) [Walters]
2898292 840528 Protea grandiceps Tratt.
Wild Fl. World: t. 75, fig. F () [B. Everard]
2907842 840528 Protea grandiceps Tratt.
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 39 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

30 Protea grandiceps Tratt. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2907862 840547 Protea holosericea Rourke
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 41 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

31 Protea holosericea Rourke distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Protea patens R. Br.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2881442 840549 Protea humiflora Andrews
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [Fay Anderson]
1118932 840549 Protea humiflora Andrews
H.C. Andrews, Bot. Repos., vol. 8 : t. 532 (1807) [H.C. Andrews]
2908192 840549 Protea humiflora Andrews
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 74 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

32 Protea humiflora Andrews distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2907522 840565 Protea inopina Rourke
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 7 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

33 Protea inopina Rourke distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2908042 840567 Protea intonsa Rourke
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 59 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

34 Protea intonsa Rourke distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1147182 840577 Protea lacticolor Salisb.
W. Hooker, R.A. Salisbury, Parad. Lond.: t. 27 (1805) [W. Hooker]
2890602 840577 Protea lacticolor Salisb.
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 41 : t. 1625 (1970)
2907962 840577 Protea lacticolor Salisb.
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 51 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

35 Protea lacticolor Salisb. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2907582 840580 Protea laetans L.E Davidson
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 13 (1980) [Elise]

36 Protea laetans L.E Davidson distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2881171 840582 Protea laevis R. Br.
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [Fay Anderson]
94251 840582 Protea laevis R. Br.
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 50 : t. 2439 (1823) [S.T. Edwards]
2908381 840582 Protea laevis R. Br.
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 63a (1980) [Fay Anderson]
2908081 840582 Protea laevis R. Br.
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 63 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

37 Protea laevis R. Br. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2881192 840587 Protea lanceolata E. Meyer ex Meissner
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [Fay Anderson]
2907682 840587 Protea lanceolata E. Meyer ex Meissner
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 23 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

38 Protea lanceolata E. Meyer ex Meissner distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)   Google   Flickr
370020840593 Protea laurifolia Thunb.
Nova Acta Acad. Sci. Imp. Petrop., vol. 15 : t. 6, fig. 1 (1799-1802)
76915 840593 Protea laurifolia Thunb.
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 18 : t. 674 (1803) [S.T. Edwards]
2071205 840593 Protea laurifolia Thunb.
H.M. Moriarty, Viridarium: Coloured plates of greenhouse plants, 2n ed.: t. 38 (1807) [H.M. Moriarty]
2889306 840593 Protea laurifolia Thunb.
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 29 : t. 1147 (1952)
2907792 840593 Protea laurifolia Thunb.
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 34 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

39 Protea laurifolia Thunb. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Protea comigera Stapf; Protea lepidocarpon Sims; Protea marginata Thunb.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2907802 840596 Protea lepidocarpodendron L.
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 35 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

40 Protea lepidocarpodendron L. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Protea fulva Tausch.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

41 Protea leucoblepharis (Hiern) Baker distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Leucadendron leucoblepharis Hiern;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2881362 840614 Protea longifolia Andrews
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [Fay Anderson]
2882302 840614 Protea longifolia Andrews
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [E.G. Rice]
1113632 840614 Protea longifolia Andrews
H.C. Andrews, Bot. Repos., vol. 2 : t. 132 (1799) [H.C. Andrews]
1113642 840614 Protea longifolia Andrews
H.C. Andrews, Bot. Repos., vol. 2 : t. 133 (1799) [H.C. Andrews]
1113752 840614 Protea longifolia Andrews
H.C. Andrews, Bot. Repos., vol. 2 : t. 144 (1799) [H.C. Andrews]
1147282 840614 Protea longifolia Andrews
W. Hooker, R.A. Salisbury, Parad. Lond.: t. 37 (1805) [W. Hooker]
3069412 840614 Protea longifolia Andrews
J.S. Kerner, Hort. Semperv., vol. 21 : t. 241 (1808) [J.S. Kerner]
968082 840614 Protea longifolia Andrews
S.T. Edwards, Bot. Reg., vol. 1 : t. 47 (1815) [S. Edwards]
3073722 840614 Protea longifolia Andrews
J.S. Kerner, Hort. Semperv., vol. 56 : t. 672 (1824) [J.S. Kerner]
3073922 840614 Protea longifolia Andrews
J.S. Kerner, Hort. Semperv., vol. 58 : t. 692 (1824) [J.S. Kerner]
4160036 840614 Protea longifolia Andrews
J.E. von Reider, Ann. Blumist., vol. 4(): : t. 100 (1828)
53722 840614 Protea longifolia Andrews
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 145 [ser. 4, vol. 15]: t. 8793 (1919) [M. Smith]
2839536 840614 Protea longifolia Andrews
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 37 : t. 1462 (1965) [C. Letty]
2907752 840614 Protea longifolia Andrews
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 30 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

42 Protea longifolia Andrews distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Protea ignota PHILLIPS; Protea ligulaefolia Sweet; Protea minor Compton; Protea nigra Regel; Protea umbonalis Sweet;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2907891 840616 Protea lorea R. Br.
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 44 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

43 Protea lorea R. Br. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2881372 840618 Protea lorifolia Fourc.
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [Fay Anderson]
2881412 840618 Protea lorifolia Fourc.
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [Fay Anderson]
2890152 840618 Protea lorifolia Fourc.
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 38 : t. 1495 (1967)
2908322 840618 Protea lorifolia Fourc.
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 32a (1980) [Fay Anderson]
2907772 840618 Protea lorifolia Fourc.
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 32 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

44 Protea lorifolia Fourc. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Protea macrophylla R. Br.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
360152 840622 Protea madiensis Oliver
Trans. Linn. Soc. London, vol. 29 : t. 92 (1875) [W.H. Fitch]

45 Protea madiensis Oliver distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2879616 840626 Protea magnifica Link
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [ Eksteen]
3819046 840626 Protea magnifica Link
I.B. Pole Evans, Fl. Pl. Afr., vol. 28 : t. 1086 (1948) [C. Letty]
2889186 840626 Protea magnifica Link
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 28 : t. 1086 (1950)
2908342 840626 Protea magnifica Link
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 40a (1980) [Fay Anderson]
2907852 840626 Protea magnifica Link
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 40 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

46 Protea magnifica Link distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Protea barbigera Meissner;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

47 Protea micans Welw. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

48 Protea minima Hauman distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2881252 840648 Protea montana E. Meyer ex Meissner
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [Fay Anderson]
2908052 840648 Protea montana E. Meyer ex Meissner
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 60 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

49 Protea montana E. Meyer ex Meissner distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1147152 840651 Protea mucronifolia Salisb.
W. Hooker, R.A. Salisbury, Parad. Lond.: t. 24 (1805) [W. Hooker]
80562 840651 Protea mucronifolia Salisb.
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 24 : t. 933 (1806) [S.T. Edwards]
3070622 840651 Protea mucronifolia Salisb.
J.S. Kerner, Hort. Semperv., vol. 31 : t. 363 (1812) [J.S. Kerner]
2908262 840651 Protea mucronifolia Salisb.
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 81 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

50 Protea mucronifolia Salisb. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2881222 840654 Protea mundii Klotzsch
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [Fay Anderson]
2457452 840654 Protea mundii Klotzsch
H.W.R. Marloth, Fl. S. Afr. (Marloth), vol. 1 : t. 29, fig. C (1913) [E. Dixie]
3809742 840654 Protea mundii Klotzsch
I.B. Pole Evans, Fl. Pl. Afr., vol. 5 : t. 185 (1925) [P. Badenhorst]
2886752 840654 Protea mundii Klotzsch
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 5 : t. 185 (1925)
2907982 840654 Protea mundii Klotzsch
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 53 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

51 Protea mundii Klotzsch distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
4307956 840659 Protea nana Thunb.
J.E. Smith, Exot. Bot. (Smith), vol. 1 (tt, 1-60): t. 44 (1804)
2403806 840659 Protea nana Thunb.
Allg. Teutsch. Gart.-Mag., vol. 6 : t. 26 (1809)
4921316 840659 Protea nana Thunb.
L. Trattinnick, Auswahl Gartenpfl., vol. 1 (tt. 1-100): t. 5 (1821)
46402 840659 Protea nana Thunb.
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 116 [ser. 3, vol. 46]: t. 7095 (1890) [M. Smith]
2457446 840659 Protea nana Thunb.
H.W.R. Marloth, Fl. S. Afr. (Marloth), vol. 1 : t. 29, fig. B (1913) [E. Dixie]
2845746 840659 Protea nana Thunb.
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 36 : t. 1406 (1963) [Walters]
2908232 840659 Protea nana Thunb.
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 78 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

52 Protea nana Thunb. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Protea rosacea L.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2881352 840663 Protea neriifolia R. Br.
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [Fay Anderson]
973402 840663 Protea neriifolia R. Br.
S.T. Edwards, Bot. Reg., vol. 3 : t. 208 (1817) [S. Edwards]
2907782 840663 Protea neriifolia R. Br.
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 33 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

53 Protea neriifolia R. Br. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2881202 840666 Protea nitida Miller
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [Fay Anderson]
3296626 840666 Protea nitida Miller
M. North, Paintings M. North: t. 429, fig. 1 () [M. North]
1268906 840666 Protea nitida Miller
J.W. Weinmann, Phytanthoza iconogr., vol. 4 : t. 891 (1745) [unsigned]
1117606 840666 Protea nitida Miller
H.C. Andrews, Bot. Repos., vol. 5 : t. 301 (1803) [H.C. Andrews]
982436 840666 Protea nitida Miller
S.T. Edwards, Bot. Reg., vol. 7 : t. 569 (1822) [M. Hart]
95166 840666 Protea nitida Miller
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 51 : t. 2447 (1824) [n.a.]
2907512 840666 Protea nitida Miller
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 6 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

54 Protea nitida Miller distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Protea arborea Houtt.; Protea grandiflora Thunb.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2907502 840669 Protea nubigena Rourke
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 5 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

55 Protea nubigena Rourke distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2898272 840680 Protea obtusifolia De Wild.
Wild Fl. World: t. 75, fig. D () [B. Everard]
2907722 840680 Protea obtusifolia De Wild.
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 27 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

56 Protea obtusifolia De Wild. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Protea calocephala Meissner;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2881162 840683 Protea odorata Thunb.
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [Fay Anderson]
2908272 840683 Protea odorata Thunb.
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 82 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

57 Protea odorata Thunb. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

58 Protea ongotium Beard distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

59 Protea paludosa (Hiern) Engl. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Leucadendron paludosum Hiern;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2907482 840699 Protea parvula Beard
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 3 (1980) [L. Ripley]

60 Protea parvula Beard distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2881432 840711 Protea pendula R. Br.
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [Fay Anderson]
2837642 840711 Protea pendula R. Br.
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 30 : t. 1170 (1954) [C. Letty]
2908142 840711 Protea pendula R. Br.
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 69 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

61 Protea pendula R. Br. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

62 Protea petiolaris (Hiern) Baker & C.H.Wright distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Leucadendron petiolare Hiern;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2907932 840724 Protea piscina Rourke
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 48 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

63 Protea piscina Rourke distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2881332 840725 Protea pityphylla Phill. X P. Effusa E. Mey. Ex Meissner
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [Fay Anderson]
2829372 840725 Protea pityphylla Phill. X P. Effusa E. Mey. Ex Meissner
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 3 : t. 108 (1923) [Gower]
3808952 840725 Protea pityphylla Phill. X P. Effusa E. Mey. Ex Meissner
I.B. Pole Evans, Fl. Pl. Afr., vol. 3 : t. 108 (1923) [S. Gower]
3809662 840725 Protea pityphylla Phill. X P. Effusa E. Mey. Ex Meissner
I.B. Pole Evans, Fl. Pl. Afr., vol. 5 : t. 177 (1925) [K.A. Lansdell]
2829552 840725 Protea pityphylla Phill. X P. Effusa E. Mey. Ex Meissner
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 5 : t. 177 (1925) [K.A. Lansdell]
2908252 840725 Protea pityphylla Phill. X P. Effusa E. Mey. Ex Meissner
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 80 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

64 Protea pityphylla Phill. X P. Effusa E. Mey. Ex Meissner distributionfilter: global
links:     WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2841412 840739 Protea pruinosa Rourke
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 44 : t. 1721 (1977) [Fay Anderson]
2907652 840739 Protea pruinosa Rourke
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 20 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

65 Protea pruinosa Rourke distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2881282 840741 Protea pudens Rourke
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [Fay Anderson]
2907762 840741 Protea pudens Rourke
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 31 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

66 Protea pudens Rourke distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2881302 840745 Protea punctata Meissner
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [Fay Anderson]
2907972 840745 Protea punctata Meissner
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 52 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

67 Protea punctata Meissner distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2881262 840757 Protea recondita H.Buek ex Meissner
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [Fay Anderson]
1904842 840757 Protea recondita H.Buek ex Meissner
I.B. Pole Evans, Fl. Pl. Afr., vol. 2 : t. 76 (1922) [K.A. Lansdell]
2829142 840757 Protea recondita H.Buek ex Meissner
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 2 : t. 76 (1922) [K.A. Lansdell]
2908112 840757 Protea recondita H.Buek ex Meissner
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 66 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

68 Protea recondita H.Buek ex Meissner distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

682502 840759 Protea repens L.
Photo Max Antheunisse, South Africa, Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden
3296486 840759 Protea repens L.
M. North, Paintings M. North: t. 415, fig. 1 () [M. North]
3296606 840759 Protea repens L.
M. North, Paintings M. North: t. 427 () [M. North]
2879606 840759 Protea repens L.
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [ Eksteen]
2879636 840759 Protea repens L.
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [ Eksteen]
2882346 840759 Protea repens L.
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [E.G. Rice]
1268956 840759 Protea repens L.
J.W. Weinmann, Phytanthoza iconogr., vol. 4 : t. 896 (1745) [unsigned]
1268962 840759 Protea repens L.
J.W. Weinmann, Phytanthoza iconogr., vol. 4 : t. 897, fig. a (1745) [unsigned]
30976 840759 Protea repens L.
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 10 : t. 346 (1796) [n.a.]
1227606 840759 Protea repens L.
J.C. Wendland, H.A. Schrader, Hort. Herrenhus.: t. 13 (1798)
3067436 840759 Protea repens L.
J.S. Kerner, Hort. Semperv., vol. 4 : t. 44 (1799) [J.S. Kerner]
4763466 840759 Protea repens L.
C.F.B. de Mirbel, Hist. Nat. Pl., vol. 11(): (An XIII): t. 59 (1805) [J.E. de Sève]
1120542 840759 Protea repens L.
H.C. Andrews, Bot. Repos., vol. 7 : t. 453 (1806) [H.C. Andrews]
11154958 840759 Protea repens L.
H.C. Andrews, Bot. Repos., vol. 9 : t. 582 (1809) [H.C. Andrews]
2404516 840759 Protea repens L.
Allg. Teutsch. Gart.-Mag., vol. 7 : t. 46 (1810)
3072346 840759 Protea repens L.
J.S. Kerner, Hort. Semperv., vol. 45 : t. 534 (1818) [J.S. Kerner]
3075196 840759 Protea repens L.
J.S. Kerner, Hort. Semperv., vol. 69 : t. 818 (1827) [J.S. Kerner]
50436644 840759 Protea repens L.
T. Iwasaki, Honzo zufu , vol. 79(): (10): (1830-1844)
863516 840759 Protea repens L.
A. Roupell, Sp. Fl. S. Afr.: t. 7 (1849) [A. Roupell]
3789666 840759 Protea repens L.
H.G.A. Engler, Nat. Pflanzenfam., vol. 3(1): (Saururaceae, Piperaceae, Chloranthaceae, Lacistemaceae, Casuarinaceae, Juglandaceae, Myricaceae, Leitneriaceae, Salicaceae, Betulaceae, Fagaceae, Ulmaceae, Moraceae, Urticaceae, Proteaceae, Loranthaceae, Myzodendraceae, Santalaceae, Gubbiaceae, Olacaceae, Balanophoraceae, Aristolochiaceae, Rafflesiaceae, Hydnoraceae): p. 137, fig. 96 (1899)
3179526 840759 Protea repens L.
Rev. Hort. (Paris), ser. 4, vol. 75 (75e ANNÉE - 1903): (1903)
3151306 840759 Protea repens L.
Rev. Hort. (Paris), ser. 4, vol. 75 (75e ANNÉE - 1903): (1903) [J.R. Guillot]
512342840759 Protea repens L.
Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin, vol. 4(): : p. 12 (1907)
3913076 840759 Protea repens L.
H.G.A. Engler, O. Drude, Veg. Erde, vol. 9(1): (Die Pflanzenwelt Afrikas insbesondere seiner tropischen Gebiete): p. 488, fig. 411 (1910) [J. Jegetmeyer]
3854256 840759 Protea repens L.
H.G.A. Engler, O. Drude, Veg. Erde, vol. 9(1): (Die Pflanzenwelt Afrikas insbesondere seiner tropischen Gebiete): p. 488, fig. 411 (1910) [J. Jeger]
3817446 840759 Protea repens L.
I.B. Pole Evans, Fl. Pl. Afr., vol. 24 : t. 936 (1944) [E.K. Burges]
2908312 840759 Protea repens L.
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 21a (1980) [Fay Anderson]
2907662 840759 Protea repens L.
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 21 (1980) [Fay Anderson]
2922976 840759 Protea repens L.
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 62 : t. 936 (2011) [Burges]

69 Protea repens L. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Protea mellifera Thunb.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2907942 840760 Protea restionifolia Rycroft
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 49 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

70 Protea restionifolia Rycroft distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Protea echinulata Meissner;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2908101 840764 Protea revoluta R. Br.
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 65 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

71 Protea revoluta R. Br. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2879152 840769 Protea rouppelliae Meissner
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [M.C. Fawkes]
2886692 840769 Protea rouppelliae Meissner
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 4 : t. 133 (1924)
3809212 840769 Protea rouppelliae Meissner
I.B. Pole Evans, Fl. Pl. Afr., vol. 4 : t. 133 (1924) [F. Sewell]
50961444 840769 Protea rouppelliae Meissner
B. Jeppe, Trees Shrubs Witwatersrand, ed. 3: (1974)
2907692 840769 Protea rouppelliae Meissner
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 24 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

72 Protea rouppelliae Meissner distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
418092 840771 Protea rubrobracteata Engl.
Bot. Jahrb. Syst., vol. 30 : t. 10 (1902) [J. Pohl]

73 Protea rubrobracteata Engl. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2890762 840772 Protea rubropilosa Beard
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 42 : t. 1677 (1973)
2907552 840772 Protea rubropilosa Beard
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 10 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

74 Protea rubropilosa Beard distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

75 Protea rupestris R.E.Fr. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2881402 840775 Protea rupicola Mund ex Meissner
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [Fay Anderson]
2907542 840775 Protea rupicola Mund ex Meissner
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 9 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

76 Protea rupicola Mund ex Meissner distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2457476 840782 Protea scabra R. Br.
H.W.R. Marloth, Fl. S. Afr. (Marloth), vol. 1 : t. 30, fig. C (1913) [E. Dixie]
2907912 840782 Protea scabra R. Br.
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 46 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

77 Protea scabra R. Br. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Protea tenuifolia R. Br.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2881452 840784 Protea scabriuscula E.Phillips
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [Fay Anderson]
2907632 840784 Protea scabriuscula E.Phillips
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 18 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

78 Protea scabriuscula E.Phillips distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2907622 840788 Protea scolopendriifolia Rourke
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 17 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

79 Protea scolopendriifolia Rourke distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Protea scolopodendrium R. Br.;
links:     WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

682882 840792 Protea scolymocephala Reichard
Photo Max Antheunisse, South Africa, Harald Porter Botanical Garden

682892 840792 Protea scolymocephala Reichard
Photo Max Antheunisse, South Africa, Harald Porter Botanical Garden
47185044 840792 Protea scolymocephala species Reichard
, vol. 3 : t. 656 (1796)
2456722 840792 Protea scolymocephala Reichard
H.W.R. Marloth, Fl. S. Afr. (Marloth), vol. 1 : t. 30, fig. A (1913) [E. Dixie]
2908202 840792 Protea scolymocephala Reichard
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 75 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

80 Protea scolymocephala Reichard distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2881462 840795 Protea scorzonerifolia (Salisb. ex Knight) Rycroft [0]
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [Fay Anderson]
2907882 840795 Protea scorzonerifolia (Salisb. ex Knight) Rycroft [0]
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 43 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

81 Protea scorzonerifolia (Salisb. ex Knight) Rycroft distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2841422 840807 Protea simplex PHILLIPS
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 44 : t. 1722 (1977) [C. Letty]
2907472 840807 Protea simplex PHILLIPS
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 2 (1980) [L. Ripley]

82 Protea simplex PHILLIPS distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Protea doddii PHILLIPS; Protea flanaganii PHILLIPS; Protea transvaalensis PHILLIPS;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
3296682 840815 Protea speciosa L.
M. North, Paintings M. North: t. 435 () [M. North]
2879622 840815 Protea speciosa L.
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [ Eksteen]
1268922 840815 Protea speciosa L.
J.W. Weinmann, Phytanthoza iconogr., vol. 4 : t. 893 (1745) [unsigned]
1268932 840815 Protea speciosa L.
J.W. Weinmann, Phytanthoza iconogr., vol. 4 : t. 894 (1745) [unsigned]
1113342 840815 Protea speciosa L.
H.C. Andrews, Bot. Repos., vol. 2 : t. 103 (1799) [H.C. Andrews]
1113412 840815 Protea speciosa L.
H.C. Andrews, Bot. Repos., vol. 2 : t. 110 (1799) [H.C. Andrews]
1116382 840815 Protea speciosa L.
H.C. Andrews, Bot. Repos., vol. 4 : t. 277 (1802) [H.C. Andrews]
1120392 840815 Protea speciosa L.
H.C. Andrews, Bot. Repos., vol. 7 : t. 438 (1806) [H.C. Andrews]
1119042 840815 Protea speciosa L.
H.C. Andrews, Bot. Repos., vol. 8 : t. 543 (1807) [H.C. Andrews]
2408582 840815 Protea speciosa L.
Allg. Teutsch. Gart.-Mag., vol. 5 : t. 10 (1808)
82342 840815 Protea speciosa L.
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 29 : t. 1183 (1809) [S.T. Edwards]
515175Protea speciosa L. [Erodendrum speciosum Knight]
J. Knight, Cult. Prot.: t. 1 (1809)
2404672 840815 Protea speciosa L.
Allg. Teutsch. Gart.-Mag., vol. 8 : t. 13 (1811)
2421062 840815 Protea speciosa L.
J.C. Wendland, Coll. Pl., vol. 3(1): : t. 73 (1811) [J.C. Wendland]
2596602 840815 Protea speciosa L.
Coll. Vélins Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris, vol. 15 : t. 17 (1818) [P.J. Redouté]
1916912 840815 Protea speciosa L.
M. Delaunay, J.L.A. Loiseleur-Deslongchamps, Herb. Gén. Amat., vol. 6 : t. 423 (1822) [P. Bessa]
2314572 840815 Protea speciosa L.
L. Trattinnick (Trattinick), Thes. Bot.: t. 12 (1839) [Schmid]
2293402 840815 Protea speciosa L.
F.E. Guérin-Méneville, Dict. Pittores. Hist. Nat., vol. 8 : t. 616, fig. 2 (1839)
863582 840815 Protea speciosa L.
A. Roupell, Sp. Fl. S. Afr.: t. 6 (1849) [A. Roupell]
4887072 840815 Protea speciosa L.
A.F.W. Schimper, Pflanzengeogr. (reissue 1908): p. 137, fig. 62 (1898)
2457462 840815 Protea speciosa L.
H.W.R. Marloth, Fl. S. Afr. (Marloth), vol. 1 : t. 30, fig. B (1913) [E. Dixie]
2908332 840815 Protea speciosa L.
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 37a (1980) [Fay Anderson]
2907822 840815 Protea speciosa L.
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 37 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

83 Protea speciosa L. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2829322 840835 Protea stokoei E.Phillips
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 3 : t. 100 (1923) [K.A. Lansdell]
3808872 840835 Protea stokoei E.Phillips
I.B. Pole Evans, Fl. Pl. Afr., vol. 3 : t. 100 (1923) [K.A. Lansdell]
2907832 840835 Protea stokoei E.Phillips
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 38 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

84 Protea stokoei E.Phillips distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
998926 840844 Protea subulifolia Rourke
S.T. Edwards, Bot. Reg., vol. 5 : t. 351 (1819) [S. Edwards]
3074506 840844 Protea subulifolia Rourke
J.S. Kerner, Hort. Semperv., vol. 63 : t. 750 (1826) [J.S. Kerner]
2908182 840844 Protea subulifolia Rourke
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 73 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

85 Protea subulifolia Rourke distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Protea acerosa R. Br.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2890192 840845 Protea subvestita N.E. Br.
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 38 : t. 1506 (1967)
2907952 840845 Protea subvestita N.E. Br.
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 50 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

86 Protea subvestita N.E. Br. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2881392 840847 Protea susannae E.Phillips
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [Fay Anderson]
2907732 840847 Protea susannae E.Phillips
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 28 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

87 Protea susannae E.Phillips distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2881142 840849 Protea tenax R. Br.
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [Fay Anderson]
1147622 840849 Protea tenax R. Br.
W. Hooker, R.A. Salisbury, Parad. Lond.: t. 70 (1805) [W. Hooker]
38193658 840849 Protea tenax R. Br.
I.B. Pole Evans, Fl. Pl. Afr., vol. 28 : t. 1115 (1948) [P.J. Smith & E.E.A. Archibald]
2908372 840849 Protea tenax R. Br.
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 57a (1980) [H. Mason]
2908022 840849 Protea tenax R. Br.
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 57 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

88 Protea tenax R. Br. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2881342 840894 Protea venusta Compton
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [Fay Anderson]
2908002 840894 Protea venusta Compton
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 55 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

89 Protea venusta Compton distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2908032 840911 Protea vogtsiae Rourke
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 58 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

90 Protea vogtsiae Rourke distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1920616 840913 Protea welwitschii Engl.
J.M. Wood, M.S. Evans, Natal Pl., vol. 3 : t. 218 (1900)
50944112 840913 Protea welwitschii Engl. [127840638 Protea melliodora Engl. & Gilg]
O.H. Coates Palgrave, Trees C. Afr.: t. 91 (1957)
2890632 840913 Protea welwitschii Engl.
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 41 : t. 1630 (1970)
B. Jeppe, Trees Shrubs Witwatersrand, ed. 3: p. 61 (1974)
2907592 840913 Protea welwitschii Engl.
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 14 (1980) [L. Ripley]

91 Protea welwitschii Engl. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Leucadendron welwitschii (Engl.) Hiern; Protea welwitschii subsp. adolphi-friderici (Engl.) Beard;
heterotypic synonyms:
Protea hirta Klotzsch; Protea myrsinifolia Engl. & Gilg;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2891172 840919 Protea wentzeliana Engl.
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 47 : t. 1879 (1982)

92 Protea wentzeliana Engl. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2881182 840920 Protea witzenbergiana E.Phillips
Ill. S. Afr. Flora: () [Fay Anderson]
2908242 840920 Protea witzenbergiana E.Phillips
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 79 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

93 Protea witzenbergiana E.Phillips distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2907492 1284143 Protea dracomontana Beard
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 4 (1980) [L. Ripley]

94 Protea dracomontana Beard distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2890362 1284168 Protea sulphurea Phillips
I.B. Pole-Evans, E.P. Phillips, R.A. Dyer, L.E. Codd, Fl. Pl. S. Afr., vol. 39 : t. 1547 (1968)
2908132 1284168 Protea sulphurea Phillips
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 68 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

95 Protea sulphurea Phillips distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2907922 1284193 Protea denticulata Rourke
J.P. Rourke, F. Anderson, Proteas S. Afr.: t. 47 (1980) [Fay Anderson]

96 Protea denticulata Rourke distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
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