Aconitum 乌头属
Aconitum L. [Ranunculaceae]
200 N temp.

Synonymous genera:
  1. Lycoctonum Fourr. (1868)

There were 331 accepted species found [distribution filter: global; grouped by species]

1 Aconitum abietetorum W.T. Wang & L.Q.Li distributionfilter: global
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2 Aconitum acutiusculum H.R.Fletcher & Lauener distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

3 Aconitum ajanense Steinb. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Lycoctonum ajanense Nakai;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

4 Aconitum alboflavidum W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
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4703792 14224 Aconitum alboviolaceum Kom.
V.L. Komarov (Komorov), Fl. Manshur., vol. 2 : t. 5 (1903-1904) [E. Posniakova]

5 Aconitum alboviolaceum Kom. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Lycoctonum albo-violaceum Nakai;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

7 Aconitum altaicum Steinb. distributionfilter: global
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4671891 14239 Aconitum ambiguum Rchb.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 23 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]

8 Aconitum ambiguum Rchb. distributionfilter: global
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9 Aconitum amplexicaule Lauener distributionfilter: global
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10 Aconitum angulatum Tamura distributionfilter: global
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3051402 14250 Aconitum angustifolium Bernh. ex Rchb.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Monogr. Acon.: t. 15, fig. 2 (1820) [H.G. Reichenbach]

12 Aconitum angustifolium Bernh. ex Rchb. distributionfilter: global
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4268722 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
H.S. Holtzbecker, Grønne Florilegium: t. 160, fig. 349 () [H.S. Holtzbecker]
3935512 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
R. Dodoens [Dodonaeus ], Stirp. Hist. Pempt.: p. 440, fig. 2 (1583)
3760822 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
M. de Lobel, Pl. Strip. Icon., vol. 1 : p. 677, fig. 1 (1591)
4367182 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
Woodblocks Plantin-Moretus: t. 5824MPM.HB.05824 (1553-1601)
2378822 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
C. Clusius, Rar. Pl. Hist., vol. 2 fasicle 5, : p. 98, fig. 2 (1601)
1225372 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
B. Bessler, Hort. Eystett., vol. 2 : t. 163, fig. 1 (1620) [B. Besler]
4272292 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
Gottorfer Codex, vol. 4 : t. 14, fig. c (1649-1659) [H.S. Holtzbecker]
3558302 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
A.Q. Rivinus, Intr. Rem. Herb., vol. 4 (TL2 9269): t. 128 (1699)
2480402 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
J. Barrellier, Pl. Galliam Hispaniam Italiam Obs.: t. 607-610, fig. 609 (1714)
1332482 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
J.W. Weinmann, Phytanthoza iconogr., vol. 1 : t. 22, fig. b (1737) [unsigned]
2682832 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
P. Miller, Fig. Pl. Gard. Dict., vol. 1 : t. 12 (1755)
2705532 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
J. Quer y Martinez, C.G. de Ortega, Fl. Españ., vol. 2 : t. 21 (1762)
3940622 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
F.A.P. de Garsault, Descr. Vertus Pl., vol. 1 : t. 3 (1767)
1400392 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
G. Bonelli, Hort. Rom., vol. 7 : t. 58 (1772-1793)
781112 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
E. Blackwell, Herb. Blackwell., vol. 6 : t. 562 (1773)
4952722 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
N.F. Regnault, Botanique, vol. 2 : t. 85 (1774)
736302 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
N.J. von Jacquin, Fl. Austriac., vol. 4 : t. 382 (1776)
3967612 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
J. Zorn, Icon. Pl. Med., vol. 5 : t. 434 (1784)
2579472 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
D. Dodart, Recueil des plantes gravées par ordre du roi Louis XIV, vol. 1 : t. 14 (1788)
1511262 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
J. Zorn, D.L. Oskamp, Afb. Arts.-Gew., vol. 4 : t. 372 (1800)
1524302 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
F.B. Vietz, Icones Pl. Med.-Oecon., vol. 3 : t. 233a (1806) [F.B. Vietz]
3051102 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Monogr. Acon.: t. 1 (1820) [H.G. Reichenbach]
3051116 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Monogr. Acon.: t. 2 (1820) [H.G. Reichenbach]
3051126 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Monogr. Acon.: t. 3 (1820) [H.G. Reichenbach]
3051146 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Monogr. Acon.: t. 5 (1820) [H.G. Reichenbach]
3051155 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Monogr. Acon.: t. 6, fig. 1 * (1820) [H.G. Reichenbach]
3051336 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Monogr. Acon.: t. 6, fig. 2 A.B. (1820) [H.G. Reichenbach]
4907092 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
N.C. Seringe, Mus. Helv. Bot.: t. 15 (1823)
1748672 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
J. Roques, Phytogr. Méd., vol. 2 : p. 131, t. 132 (1825) [Hocquart]
96162 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 53 : t. 2654 (1826) [J. Sowerby]
50289744 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
T. Iwasaki, Honzo zufu , vol. 19(): (3): (1830-1844)
3853232 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
F.G. Hayne, Getreue Darstell. Gew., vol. 12 : t. 11 (1833)
4276802 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
J. Roques, Phytogr. Méd., ed. 2, vol. 4(): : t. 106 (1835) [Hocquart]
1589982 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
J. Seboth, F. Graf, Alpenpfl., vol. 1 : t. 11 (1839)
3112312 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
B. Maund, Bot. Gard., vol. 8 : t. 174, fig. 2 (1839) [Mills]
4680382 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
F. Berge, V.A. Riecke, Giftpfl.-Buch (Atlas): t. 47 (1845)
1965532 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
F. Cassone, Fl. Med.-Farm., vol. 1 : t. 14 (1847)
3591052 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
E. Winkler, Sämmtl. Giftgew. Deutschl.: t. 74 (1853)
4215542 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
A. Fiori, G. Paoletti, Iconogr. Fl. Ital.: p. 201, t. 1621, fig. 2 (1895-1904)
3980652 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
V.L. Komarov (Komorov), Fl. URSS, vol. 7 : p. 195, t. 12, fig. 1 (1934-1964)
4672252 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 59 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4672266 14253 Aconitum anthora L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 60 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]

13 Aconitum anthora L. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Delphinium anthora Baillon;
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3051132 14264 Aconitum anthoroideum DC.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Monogr. Acon.: t. 4 (1820) [F. Guimpel]
4672272 14264 Aconitum anthoroideum DC.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 61 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]

14 Aconitum anthoroideum DC. distributionfilter: global
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4028642 14266 Aconitum apetalum (Huth) B.Fedtsch. [80 324462 Delphinium apetalum Huth]
V.L. Komarov (Komorov), Fl. URSS, vol. 7 : p. 207, t. 13, fig. 5 (1934-1964)

15 Aconitum apetalum (Huth) B.Fedtsch. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Delphinium apetalum Huth;
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16 Aconitum artemisiifolium A.I.Baranov & Skvortsov distributionfilter: global
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17 Aconitum assamicum Lauener distributionfilter: global
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18 Aconitum atlanticum Coss. distributionfilter: global
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20 Aconitum axilliflorum Vorosch. distributionfilter: global
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21 Aconitum azumiense Kadota & Hashido distributionfilter: global
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22 Aconitum baburinii (Vorosch.) Schlotgauer distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Aconitum karafutense subspecies baburinii (Vorosch.) Vorosch.; Aconitum karafutense variety baburinii Vorosch.;
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23 Aconitum baicalense (Regel) Turcz. ex Rapaics distributionfilter: global
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24 Aconitum bailangense Y.Z.Zhao distributionfilter: global
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2139646 14300 Aconitum barbatum Patrin ex Pers.
J.G. Gmelin, Fl. Sibir., vol. 4 : t. 81 (1769)
796232 14300 Aconitum barbatum Patrin ex Pers.
J.P.B. Delessert, A.P. de Candolle, Icon. Select. Pl., vol. 1 : t. 64 (1820) [P.J.F. Turpin]
3690092 14300 Aconitum barbatum Patrin ex Pers.
R. Sweet, Brit. Fl. Gard., vol. 2 : t. 164 (1825-1827) [E.D. Smith]
10230012 14300 Aconitum barbatum Patrin ex Pers.
C.F. von Ledebour, Icon. Pl. (Ledebour), vol. 5 : t. 406 (1834)
4028652 14300 Aconitum barbatum Patrin ex Pers.
V.L. Komarov (Komorov), Fl. URSS, vol. 7 : p. 207, t. 13, fig. 6 (1934-1964)
4672106 14300 Aconitum barbatum Patrin ex Pers.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 44 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4672112 14300 Aconitum barbatum Patrin ex Pers.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 45 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4672126 14300 Aconitum barbatum Patrin ex Pers.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 46 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]

25 Aconitum barbatum Patrin ex Pers. distributionfilter: global
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26 Aconitum berdaui Zapal. distributionfilter: global
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27 Aconitum bhedingense Lauener distributionfilter: global
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28 Aconitum bicolor Schultes distributionfilter: global
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3051162 14323 Aconitum biflorum Fischer ex DC.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Monogr. Acon.: t. 7, fig. 1,2 (1820) [H.G. Reichenbach]
4672062 14323 Aconitum biflorum Fischer ex DC.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 40 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]

29 Aconitum biflorum Fischer ex DC. distributionfilter: global
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30 Aconitum birobidshanicum Vorosch. distributionfilter: global
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31 Aconitum brachypodum Diels distributionfilter: global
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32 Aconitum bracteolatum Lauener distributionfilter: global
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33 Aconitum brevicalcaratum (Finet & Gagnep.) Diels distributionfilter: global
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34 Aconitum brevilimbum Lauener distributionfilter: global
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35 Aconitum brevipetalum W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
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36 Aconitum brunneum Hand.-Mazz. distributionfilter: global
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37 Aconitum bucovinense Zapal. distributionfilter: global
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38 Aconitum bujbense Stepanov distributionfilter: global
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39 Aconitum bulbilliferum Hand.-Mazz. distributionfilter: global
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40 Aconitum bulleyanum Diels distributionfilter: global
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41 Aconitum burnatii Gáyer distributionfilter: global
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42 Aconitum calthifolium Comber distributionfilter: global
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1952986 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
Botanische wandplaten: ()
4393271 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
Woodblocks Plantin-Moretus: t. 5819MPM.HB.05819 (1553-1601)
4367151 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
Woodblocks Plantin-Moretus: t. 5820MPM.HB.05820 (1553-1601)
4367166 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
Woodblocks Plantin-Moretus: t. 5822MPM.HB.05822 (1553-1601)
4367171 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
Woodblocks Plantin-Moretus: t. 5823MPM.HB.05823 (1553-1601)
2373175 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
C. Clusius, Rar. Pl. Hist., vol. 2 fasicle 5, : p. 96, fig. 1 (1601)
2373186 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
C. Clusius, Rar. Pl. Hist., vol. 2 fasicle 5, : p. 97, fig. 1 (1601)
2378791 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
C. Clusius, Rar. Pl. Hist., vol. 2 fasicle 5, : p. 95, fig. 2 (1601)
2378811 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
C. Clusius, Rar. Pl. Hist., vol. 2 fasicle 5, : p. 97, fig. 2 (1601)
2770621 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
Coll. Vélins Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris, vol. 41 : t. 2 () [J. Joubert]
2770636 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
Coll. Vélins Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris, vol. 41 : t. 3 () [J. Joubert]
3558325 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
A.Q. Rivinus, Intr. Rem. Herb., vol. 4 (TL2 9269): t. 130 (1699)
3558331 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
A.Q. Rivinus, Intr. Rem. Herb., vol. 4 (TL2 9269): t. 131 (1699)
736731 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
N.J. von Jacquin, Fl. Austriac., vol. 5 : t. 424 (1778)
2579411 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
D. Dodart, Recueil des plantes gravées par ordre du roi Louis XIV, vol. 1 : t. 8 (1788)
1884471 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
Plant. Indig. Exot., vol. 5 : t. 1 (1792)
1511271 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
J. Zorn, D.L. Oskamp, Afb. Arts.-Gew., vol. 4 : t. 371 (1800)
1524311 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
F.B. Vietz, Icones Pl. Med.-Oecon., vol. 3 : t. 233b (1806) [F.B. Vietz]
1915946 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
M. Delaunay, J.L.A. Loiseleur-Deslongchamps, Herb. Gén. Amat., vol. 5 : t. 327 (1821) [P. Bessa]
1748651 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
J. Roques, Phytogr. Méd., vol. 2 : p. 127, t. 130 (1825) [Hocquart]
1454395 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
C.L. Loddiges, Bot. Cab., vol. 8 : t. 794 (1827) [G. Cooke]
1454556 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
C.L. Loddiges, Bot. Cab., vol. 9 : t. 810 (1827) [G. Cooke]
1461466 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
C.L. Loddiges, Bot. Cab., vol. 20 : t. 1991 (1827) [E.W.C.]
4035606 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
T.F.L. Nees von Esenbeck, M.F. Wijhe (Weyhe), Pl. Medicin., Suppl.: t. 111 (1828-1833) [A. Henry]
3853271 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
F.G. Hayne, Getreue Darstell. Gew., vol. 12 : t. 15 (1833)
3110395 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
B. Maund, Bot. Gard., vol. 5 : t. 109, fig. 4 (1833) [E.D. Smith]
2314131 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
J. Hegetschweiler, Die giftpflanzen der Schweiz: p. 51, t. 21 (1839) [J.D. Labram]
4803116 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
F.J.U. Prestele, Wichtigst. Giftpl. Deutschl.: t. 12 (1843) [J. Prestele]
4680921 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
F. Berge, V.A. Riecke, Giftpfl.-Buch (Atlas): t. 47 (1845)
1965521 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
F. Cassone, Fl. Med.-Farm., vol. 1 : t. 13 (1847)
1965551 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
F. Cassone, Fl. Med.-Farm., vol. 1 : t. 16 (1847)
3591096 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
E. Winkler, Sämmtl. Giftgew. Deutschl.: t. 78 (1853)
1488166 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
O.W. Thomé, Fl. Deutschl., vol. 2 : t. 254 (1885)
4672051 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 39 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4672376 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 71 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4672431 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 8, fig. 2 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4671986 14368 Aconitum cammarum L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 32 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]

43 Aconitum cammarum L. distributionfilter: global
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44 Aconitum campylorrhynchum Hand.-Mazz. distributionfilter: global
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45 Aconitum cannabifolium Franch. ex Finet & Gagnep. distributionfilter: global
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16916 14384 Aconitum carmichaeli Debeaux [181 14418 Aconitum chinense Siebold ex Paxton]
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 67 [ser. 2, vol. 14]: t. 3852 (1841) [W.H. Fitch]

46 Aconitum carmichaeli Debeaux distributionfilter: global
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47 Aconitum changianum W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
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48 Aconitum charkeviczii Vorosch. distributionfilter: global
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1289025 14406 Aconitum chasmanthum Stapf ex Holmes
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 10(2): : t. 96 (1906)
1616251 14406 Aconitum chasmanthum Stapf ex Holmes
K.R. Kirtikar, B.D. Basu, Ind. Med. Pl., Plates, vol. 1 : t. 11 (1918)

49 Aconitum chasmanthum Stapf ex Holmes distributionfilter: global
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50 Aconitum chayuense W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
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51 Aconitum chiachaense W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
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52 Aconitum chiisanense Nakai distributionfilter: global
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53 Aconitum chilienshanicum W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
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54 Aconitum chinense Siebold ex Siebold & Zucc. distributionfilter: global
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55 Aconitum chloranthum Hand.-Mazz. distributionfilter: global
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56 Aconitum chrysotrichum W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
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57 Aconitum chuianum W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
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58 Aconitum cochleare Vorosch. distributionfilter: global
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1582202 14435 Aconitum columbianum Nutt.
M.E. Parsons, Wild Fl. Calif.: p. 335 (1906) [M.W. Buck]
432109Aconitum columbianum Nutt.
D.S. Correll, H.B. Correll, Aquatic Wetl. Pl. SW U.S.: , fig. 450 (1972) [V. Frazier]

59 Aconitum columbianum Nutt. distributionfilter: global
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60 Aconitum confertiflorum (DC.) Gáyer distributionfilter: global
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61 Aconitum consanguineum Vorosch. distributionfilter: global
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610232 14454 Aconitum contortum Finet & Gagnep.
Bull. Soc. Bot. France, vol. 51 : t. 8 (1904) [C. Kastner]

62 Aconitum contortum Finet & Gagnep. distributionfilter: global
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63 Aconitum contractum Vorosch. distributionfilter: global
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4028606 14458 Aconitum coreanum (H.Lév.) Rapaics [125 14459 Aconitum coreanum H.Lév.]
V.L. Komarov (Komorov), Fl. URSS, vol. 7 : p. 195, t. 12, fig. 2 (1934-1964)

64 Aconitum coreanum (H.Lév.) Rapaics distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Aconitum coreanum species H.Lév.;
links:     WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

65 Aconitum crassiflorum Hand.-Mazz. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

66 Aconitum crassifolium Steinb. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

67 Aconitum curvipilum Riedl distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

68 Aconitum cymbulatum (Schmalh.) Lipsky distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

69 Aconitum czarnohorense (Zapal.) Mitka distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

70 Aconitum daxinganlinense Y.Z.Zhao distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

71 Aconitum decipiens Vorosch. & Anfalov distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
3966246 14486 Aconitum degenii Gáyer
J. Zorn, Icon. Pl. Med., vol. 3 : t. 299 (1781)
1706116 14486 Aconitum degenii Gáyer
G.F. Hoffmann, Deutschl. Fl. (Hoffmann), vol. 1 : t. 8 (1791)
4276786 14486 Aconitum degenii Gáyer
J. Roques, Phytogr. Méd., ed. 2, vol. 4(): : t. 104 (1835) [Hocquart]
4671976 14486 Aconitum degenii Gáyer
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 31 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4671995 14486 Aconitum degenii Gáyer
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 33 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]

72 Aconitum degenii Gáyer distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Aconitum degenii subspecies valesiacum (Gáyer) Mucher;
heterotypic synonyms:
Delphinium paniculatum (L.) E.H.L.Krause;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

73 Aconitum delavayi Franch. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
3051176 14495 Aconitum delphinifolium DC.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Monogr. Acon.: t. 8 (1820) [H.G. Reichenbach]
3051182 14495 Aconitum delphinifolium DC.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Monogr. Acon.: t. 9 (1820) [H.G. Reichenbach]
3051196 14495 Aconitum delphinifolium DC.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Monogr. Acon.: t. 10, fig. 1,2 (1820) [H.G. Reichenbach]
4672076 14495 Aconitum delphinifolium DC.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 41 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4672096 14495 Aconitum delphinifolium DC.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 43 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]

74 Aconitum delphinifolium DC. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

75 Aconitum desoulavyi Kom. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

76 Aconitum dhwojii Lauener distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

77 Aconitum diqingens Q.E.Yang & Z.D.Fang distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1289201 14524 Aconitum dissectum D. Don
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 10(2): : t. 114 (1906)

78 Aconitum dissectum D. Don distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

79 Aconitum dolichorhynchum W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

80 Aconitum dolichostachyum W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

81 Aconitum duclouxii H.Lév. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

82 Aconitum dunhuaense S.H.Li distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

83 Aconitum elliotii Lauener distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Aconitum elliotii variety doshongense (Lauener) W.T. Wang;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1289182 14544 Aconitum elwesii Stapf
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 10(2): : t. 112 (1906)

84 Aconitum elwesii Stapf distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

85 Aconitum episcopale H.Lév. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
4672381 14554 Aconitum exaltatum Bernh. ex Rchb.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 72 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]

86 Aconitum exaltatum Bernh. ex Rchb. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

87 Aconitum falciforme Hand.-Mazz. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

88 Aconitum fanjingshanicum W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
107782 14569 Aconitum ferox Wall. ex Ser.
N. Wallich, Pl. Asiat. Rar., vol. 1 : t. 41 (1830) [Vishnupersaud]
315322 14569 Aconitum ferox Wall. ex Ser.
F.E. Köhler, Med.-Pfl., vol. 3 (Erganzungsband): t. 68 (1890)
1281272 14569 Aconitum ferox Wall. ex Ser.
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 5(2): : t. 111 (1891) [P. Bruehl]
1289152 14569 Aconitum ferox Wall. ex Ser.
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 10(2): : t. 109 (1906)
1616342 14569 Aconitum ferox Wall. ex Ser.
K.R. Kirtikar, B.D. Basu, Ind. Med. Pl., Plates, vol. 1 : t. 20 (1918)

89 Aconitum ferox Wall. ex Ser. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

90 Aconitum finetianum Hand.-Mazz. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
30512358 14579 Aconitum firmum Rchb.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Monogr. Acon.: t. 14, fig. 1 (1820) [H.G. Reichenbach]
3051386 14579 Aconitum firmum Rchb.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Monogr. Acon.: t. 14, fig. 2 (1820) [H.G. Reichenbach]

91 Aconitum firmum Rchb. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Aconitum firmum forma calliobotryon (Rchb.) Gáyer; Aconitum firmum variety rigidum (Rchb.) Gáyer;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
50289216 14588 Aconitum fischeri Rchb.
T. Iwasaki, Honzo zufu , vol. 19(): (3): (1830-1844)
1890646 14588 Aconitum fischeri Rchb.
J. Paxton, Paxton’s Mag. Bot., vol. 5 : p. 3 (1839)
45982 14588 Aconitum fischeri Rchb.
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 116 [ser. 3, vol. 46]: t. 7130 (1890) [M. Smith]
4671866 14588 Aconitum fischeri Rchb.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 20 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4671882 14588 Aconitum fischeri Rchb.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 22 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]

92 Aconitum fischeri Rchb. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

93 Aconitum flavum Hand.-Mazz. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

94 Aconitum fletcherianum G.Taylor distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

95 Aconitum formosanum Tamura distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

96 Aconitum forrestii Stapf distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
610252 14607 Aconitum franchetii Finet & Gagnep.
Bull. Soc. Bot. France, vol. 51 : t. 9 (1904) [C. Kastner]

97 Aconitum franchetii Finet & Gagnep. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

98 Aconitum fukutomei Hayata distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

99 Aconitum funiculare Stapf distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

100 Aconitum fusungense S.H.Li & Y.H.Huang distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

101 Aconitum gassanense Kadota & Sh.Kato distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

102 Aconitum gayeri Starmuhl distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

103 Aconitum geniculatum H.R.Fletcher & Lauener distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

104 Aconitum georgei Comber distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

105 Aconitum gezaënse W.T. Wang & L.Q. Li distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

106 Aconitum gigas H.Lév. & Vaniot distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Lycoctonum gigas (H.Lév. & Vaniot) Nakai;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

107 Aconitum glabrisepalum W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

108 Aconitum gubanovii Luferov & Vorosh. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2102322 14661 Aconitum gymnandrum Maxim.
C.J. Maximowicz, Fl. Tangut., vol. 1 : t. 6, fig. 1-6 (1889)
1281412 14661 Aconitum gymnandrum Maxim.
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 5(2): : t. 125 (1891) [G.C. Das & P. Bruehl]
1289212 14661 Aconitum gymnandrum Maxim.
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 10(2): : t. 115 (1906)
68202 14661 Aconitum gymnandrum Maxim.
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 133 [ser. 4, vol. 3]: t. 8113 (1907) [M. Smith]

109 Aconitum gymnandrum Maxim. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

110 Aconitum habaense W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

111 Aconitum hamatipetalum W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

112 Aconitum hebegynum DC. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Delphinium hebegynum (DC.) Baillon;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

113 Aconitum helenae Vorosch. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
44328214679 Aconitum hemsleyanum E.Pritz.
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., ser. 2, vol. 21(): : p. 187 (2004) [J. Langhorne]
44331114679 Aconitum hemsleyanum E.Pritz.
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., ser. 2, vol. 21(): : t. 500 (2004) [J. Langhorne]

114 Aconitum hemsleyanum E.Pritz. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

115 Aconitum henryi E.Pritz. ex Diels distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1289096 14695 Aconitum heterophylloides (Brühl) Stapf [125 14571 Aconitum ferox var. heterophylloides Brühl]
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 10(2): : t. 103 (1906)
1289146 14695 Aconitum heterophylloides (Brühl) Stapf [0]
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 10(2): : t. 108 (1906)
1289162 14695 Aconitum heterophylloides (Brühl) Stapf [80 14571 Aconitum ferox var. heterophylloides Brühl]
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 10(2): : t. 110 (1906)
1289175 14695 Aconitum heterophylloides (Brühl) Stapf [125 14571 Aconitum ferox var. heterophylloides Brühl]
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 10(2): : t. 111 (1906)
1616296 14695 Aconitum heterophylloides (Brühl) Stapf [125 14571 Aconitum ferox var. heterophylloides Brühl]
K.R. Kirtikar, B.D. Basu, Ind. Med. Pl., Plates, vol. 1 : t. 15 (1918)
1616336 14695 Aconitum heterophylloides (Brühl) Stapf [0]
K.R. Kirtikar, B.D. Basu, Ind. Med. Pl., Plates, vol. 1 : t. 19 (1918)

116 Aconitum heterophylloides (Brühl) Stapf distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Aconitum ferox variety heterophylloides Brühl; Aconitum heterophylloides variety leucanthum (Brühl) Lauenar;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
605632 14697 Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. ex Royle
J.F. Royle, Ill. Bot. Himal. Mts., vol. 2(Plates): : t. 13 (1839) [Vishnupersaud]
3113636 14697 Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. ex Royle
B. Maund, Bot. Gard., vol. 10 : t. 218, fig. 2 (1843) [Mills]
35342 14697 Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. ex Royle
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 100 [ser. 3, vol. 30]: t. 6092 (1874) [W.H. Fitch]
1289062 14697 Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. ex Royle
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 10(2): : t. 100 (1906)
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 10(2): : t. 100 (1906)

117 Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. ex Royle distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

118 Aconitum hicksii Lauener distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1289042 14709 Aconitum hookeri Stapf
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 10(2): : t. 98 (1906)

119 Aconitum hookeri Stapf distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

120 Aconitum hopeiense (W.T. Wang) Vorosch. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

121 Aconitum huiliense Hand.-Mazz. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

122 Aconitum ichangense (Finet & Gagnep.) Hand.-Mazz. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

123 Aconitum iidemontanum Kadota, Kita & Ueda distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

124 Aconitum incisofidum W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

125 Aconitum infectum Greene distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

126 Aconitum iochanicum Ulbr. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

128 Aconitum jaluense Kom. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
50796144 14750 Aconitum japonicum Thunb.
T. Iwasaki, Honzo zufu , vol. 19(): (3): , fig. right (1830-1844)
50822144 14750 Aconitum japonicum Thunb.
T. Iwasaki, Honzo zufu , vol. 19(): (3): , fig. right (1830-1844)
50289312 14750 Aconitum japonicum Thunb.
T. Iwasaki, Honzo zufu , vol. 19(): (3): (1830-1844)
3112982 14750 Aconitum japonicum Thunb.
B. Maund, Bot. Gard., vol. 9 : t. 196, fig. 3 (1841) [Mills]
3186622 14750 Aconitum japonicum Thunb.
Rev. Hort. (Paris), ser. 3, vol. 5 (Janvier-Décembre 1851): p. 473, t. 24 (1851) [n.a.]
4672022 14750 Aconitum japonicum Thunb.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 36 (1998) [n.a.]
44427014750 Aconitum japonicum Thunb.
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., ser. 2, vol. 33(): : p. 214 (2016) [K. Saito]
44430714750 Aconitum japonicum Thunb.
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., ser. 2, vol. 33(): : t. 838 (2016) [K. Saito]

129 Aconitum japonicum Thunb. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

130 Aconitum jeholense Nakai & Kitag. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

131 Aconitum jenisseense Polozhij distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

132 Aconitum jilongense W.T. Wang & L.Q.Li distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

133 Aconitum kagerpuense W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

134 Aconitum kaimaense Uyeki & Sakata distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

135 Aconitum kamelinii A.A.Solovjev distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

136 Aconitum karafutense Miyabe & Nakai distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

137 Aconitum karakolicum Rapaics distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

138 Aconitum khanminthunii A.A.Solovjev & Shmakov distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

140 Aconitum kirinense Nakai distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

141 Aconitum kitadakense Nakai distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Aconitum kitadakense variety micranthum (Nakai) T.Shimizu; Aconitum kitadakense variety sakuraii (Nakai) T.Shimizu;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

142 Aconitum kiyomiense Kadota distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

144 Aconitum kongboense Lauener distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

145 Aconitum korshinskyi Tzvelev distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

147 Aconitum krylovii Steinb. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

149 Aconitum kunasirense Nakai distributionfilter: global
links:     WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

150 Aconitum kungshanense W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

151 Aconitum kurramense Qureshi & Chaudhri distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
46718512 14814 Aconitum kusnezoffii Rchb.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 19 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4671872 14814 Aconitum kusnezoffii Rchb.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 21 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]

152 Aconitum kusnezoffii Rchb. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Aconitum kusnezoffii variety gibbiferum (Rchb.) Regel; Aconitum kusnezoffii variety gibbiferum (Rchb.) Regel; Aconitum kusnezoffii variety ochotense (Rchb.) Regel;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

153 Aconitum kuzenevae Vorosch. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1288982 14830 Aconitum laeve Royle
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 10(2): : t. 92 (1906)

154 Aconitum laeve Royle distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

155 Aconitum laevicaule W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
4672212 14834 Aconitum lamarckii Rchb.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 55 (1998) [Hüm. & H.G.L. Reichenbach]

156 Aconitum lamarckii Rchb. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

157 Aconitum lasiocarpum (Rchb.) Gáyer distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

158 Aconitum lasiostomum Rchb. ex Besser distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

159 Aconitum legendrei Hand.-Mazz. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

160 Aconitum leiwuqiense W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

3022705 14857 Aconitum lethale Griff.
Photo Max Antheunisse, India, Sikkim

3022715 14857 Aconitum lethale Griff.
Photo Max Antheunisse, India, Sikkim

3022745 14857 Aconitum lethale Griff.
Photo Max Antheunisse, India, Sikkim
2285512 14857 Aconitum lethale Griff.
W. Griffith, Ic. Pl. Asiat., vol. 4 : p. 732, t. 660, fig. 3 (1854) [W. Griffith]
1321362 14857 Aconitum lethale Griff.
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 10(2): : t. 112 (1906)
1289106 14857 Aconitum lethale Griff.
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 10(2): : t. 104 (1906)
1289116 14857 Aconitum lethale Griff.
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 10(2): : t. 105 (1906)
1289125 14857 Aconitum lethale Griff.
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 10(2): : t. 106 (1906)
1289135 14857 Aconitum lethale Griff.
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 10(2): : t. 107 (1906)
1289226 14857 Aconitum lethale Griff.
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 10(2): : t. 116 (1906)
1616306 14857 Aconitum lethale Griff.
K.R. Kirtikar, B.D. Basu, Ind. Med. Pl., Plates, vol. 1 : t. 16 (1918)
1616316 14857 Aconitum lethale Griff.
K.R. Kirtikar, B.D. Basu, Ind. Med. Pl., Plates, vol. 1 : t. 17 (1918)
1616325 14857 Aconitum lethale Griff.
K.R. Kirtikar, B.D. Basu, Ind. Med. Pl., Plates, vol. 1 : t. 18 (1918)
1616352 14857 Aconitum lethale Griff.
K.R. Kirtikar, B.D. Basu, Ind. Med. Pl., Plates, vol. 1 : t. 21 (1918)

161 Aconitum lethale Griff. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Caltha codua Buch.-Ham.;
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162 Aconitum leucostomum Vorosch. distributionfilter: global
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163 Aconitum liangshanicum W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
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164 Aconitum liljestrandii Hand.-Mazz. distributionfilter: global
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165 Aconitum limprichtii Hand.-Mazz. distributionfilter: global
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166 Aconitum loczyanum Rapaics distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Lycoctonum loczyanum (Rapaics) Nakai;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
50824544 14878 Aconitum longecassidatum Nakai
T. Iwasaki, Honzo zufu , vol. 21(): (3): , fig. 2 (1830-1844)

167 Aconitum longecassidatum Nakai distributionfilter: global
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168 Aconitum longicrassidatum Nakai distributionfilter: global
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169 Aconitum longilobum W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
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171 Aconitum longiracemosum Vorosch. distributionfilter: global
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172 Aconitum ludlowii Exell distributionfilter: global
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2579402 14901 Aconitum lycoctonifolium W.T. Wang & L.Q.Li
D. Dodart, Recueil des plantes gravées par ordre du roi Louis XIV, vol. 1 : t. 7 (1788)

173 Aconitum lycoctonifolium W.T. Wang & L.Q.Li distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1844651 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
L. Fuchs, New Kreüterbuch (Fuchs): t. 48 (1543)
3736101 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
U. Aldrovandi, Tav. Acquerel. Ulisse Alsrovandi, vol. 2 : t. 280 (1550-1600) [U. Aldrovandi]
4381581 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
Woodblocks Plantin-Moretus: t. 7284MPM.HB.07284 (1553-1601)
4407701 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
R. Dodoens [Dodonaeus ], Stirp. Hist. Comment., vol. 1(): : p. 417 (1553-1554)
4410771 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
R. Dodoens [Dodonaeus ], Stirp. Hist. Comment., vol. 2(): : p. 301 (1553-1554)
4393671 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
J. Grevin, Deux livres venins: p. 203, fig. 1 (1568)
3930106 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
R. Dodoens [Dodonaeus ], Stirp. Hist. Pempt.: p. 436, fig. 1 (1583)
3772061 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
M. de Lobel, Pl. Strip. Icon., vol. 1 : p. 677, fig. 2 (1591)
4367121 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
Woodblocks Plantin-Moretus: t. 5816MPM.HB.05816 (1553-1601)
2373151 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
C. Clusius, Rar. Pl. Hist., vol. 2 fasicle 5, : p. 94, fig. 1 (1601)
1389391 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
B. Bessler, Hort. Eystett., vol. 2 : t. 162, fig. 2 (1620) [B. Besler]
4268981 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
Gottorfer Codex, vol. 4 : t. 14, fig. a (1649-1659) [H.S. Holtzbecker]
2480361 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
J. Barrellier, Pl. Galliam Hispaniam Italiam Obs.: t. 599-602, fig. 600 (1714)
1260221 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
J.W. Weinmann, Phytanthoza iconogr., vol. 1 : t. 23, fig. a (1737) [unsigned]
1332491 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
J.W. Weinmann, Phytanthoza iconogr., vol. 1 : t. 23, fig. b (1737) [unsigned]
1080521 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
G.C. Oeder, Fl. Dan., vol. 1 fasicle 3, : t. 123 (1761-1766)
1400401 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
G. Bonelli, Hort. Rom., vol. 7 : t. 59 (1772-1793)
781121 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
E. Blackwell, Herb. Blackwell., vol. 6 : t. 563 (1773)
736281 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
N.J. von Jacquin, Fl. Austriac., vol. 4 : t. 380 (1776)
3966141 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
J. Zorn, Icon. Pl. Med., vol. 3 : t. 289 (1781)
2960701 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
P. Bulliard, Herb. France, vol. 2 : t. 63 (1781-1782) [P. Bulliard]
2583121 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
D. Dodart, Recueil des plantes gravées par ordre du roi Louis XIV, vol. 1 : t. 12, fig. 2 (1788)
2579425 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
D. Dodart, Recueil des plantes gravées par ordre du roi Louis XIV, vol. 1 : t. 9 (1788)
2579441 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
D. Dodart, Recueil des plantes gravées par ordre du roi Louis XIV, vol. 1 : t. 11 (1788)
2579455 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
D. Dodart, Recueil des plantes gravées par ordre du roi Louis XIV, vol. 1 : t. 12, fig. 1 (1788)
4251571 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
J. Gaertner, Fruct. Sem. Pl., vol. 1 : t. 65 (1788)
4134461 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
J.B.P.A. de Monet de Lamarck, J.L.M. Poiret, Tabl. Encycl., vol. 2 : t. 482, fig. 2 (1791-1823) [J.E. de Seve]
4708335 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
Fig. Fl. Pyrénées, inedit.: t. 115 ()
1511281 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
J. Zorn, D.L. Oskamp, Afb. Arts.-Gew., vol. 4 : t. 370 (1800)
4105991 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
J.S. Halle, Deut. Giftpfl., ed. 3, vol. 1 : t. 15 (1801)
1524321 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
F.B. Vietz, Icones Pl. Med.-Oecon., vol. 3 : t. 233c (1806) [F.B. Vietz]
1575371 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
J.W. Palmstruch, Sv. Bot., vol. 10 : t. 654 (1807)
4166491 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
Franz von Paula v. Schrank, Fl. Monac.: t. 6 (1811-1818)
1748661 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
J. Roques, Phytogr. Méd., vol. 2 : p. 131, t. 131 (1825) [Hocquart]
4276791 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
J. Roques, Phytogr. Méd., ed. 2, vol. 4(): : t. 105 (1835) [Hocquart]
2314141 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
J. Hegetschweiler, Die giftpflanzen der Schweiz: p. 50, t. 22 (1839) [J.D. Labram]
4680131 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
F. Berge, V.A. Riecke, Giftpfl.-Buch (Atlas): t. 22 (1845)
1965541 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
F. Cassone, Fl. Med.-Farm., vol. 1 : t. 15 (1847)
3591136 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
E. Winkler, Sämmtl. Giftgew. Deutschl.: t. 82 (1853)
1468001 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
H.E. Baillon, Hist. Pl., vol. 1 : p. 27, fig. 48 (1866) [A. Faguet]
4790161 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
J. Patek, : t. 26 (1867)
4215551 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
A. Fiori, G. Paoletti, Iconogr. Fl. Ital.: p. 201, t. 1622, fig. 3 (1895-1904)
1376761 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
J. Kops, Fl. Bat., vol. 22 : t. 1684 (1906)
51255414902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin, vol. 4(): : p. 44, fig. 14 (1907)
2120931 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
P.H.H. Esser, Giftpfl. Deutschl. (Esser): t. 34 (1910) [W. Müller]
1555721 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
F. Oltmanns, Pflanzenleben Schwarzwaldes: t. 74 (1927) [Daniel]
4672135 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 47 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4672145 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 48 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4672176 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 51 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4672181 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 52 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4672206 14902 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 54 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]

174 Aconitum lycoctonum L. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Delphinium lycoctonum Baillon;
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175 Aconitum macrorhynchum Turcz. ex Ledeb. distributionfilter: global
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176 Aconitum mashikense Kadota & S.Umezawa distributionfilter: global
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4671816 14953 Aconitum maximum Pallas ex DC.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 15 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
46718258 14953 Aconitum maximum Pallas ex DC.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 16 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4671832 14953 Aconitum maximum Pallas ex DC.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 17 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]

177 Aconitum maximum Pallas ex DC. distributionfilter: global
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178 Aconitum milinense W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
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179 Aconitum miyabei Nakai distributionfilter: global
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4306042 14977 Aconitum moldavicum Hacq.
B. Hacquet, Reis. Dac. Sarm. Karpathen, vol. 1 : t. 7 (1790)
919058 14977 Aconitum moldavicum Hacq.
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 48 : t. 2196 (1821) [n.a.]

180 Aconitum moldavicum Hacq. distributionfilter: global
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181 Aconitum monanthum Nakai distributionfilter: global
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182 Aconitum montibaicalense Vorosch. distributionfilter: global
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183 Aconitum monticola Steinb. distributionfilter: global
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1289002 14990 Aconitum moschatum (Brühl) Stapf [0]
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 10(2): : t. 94 (1906)

184 Aconitum moschatum (Brühl) Stapf distributionfilter: global
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1289192 14995 Aconitum nagarum Stapf
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 10(2): : t. 113 (1906)

185 Aconitum nagarum Stapf distributionfilter: global
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186 Aconitum nakaoi Tamura distributionfilter: global
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187 Aconitum namlaense W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
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188 Aconitum nanum (Baumg.) Simonk. distributionfilter: global
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1959201 15012 Aconitum napellus L. t. 6 ()
1954121 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
Botanische wandplaten: ()
1950041 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
Botanische wandplaten: ()
4264811 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
H.S. Holtzbecker, Grønne Florilegium: t. 160, fig. 347 () [H.S. Holtzbecker]
3692041 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
P. Dioscorides, De Materia Medica (Codex Neapolitanus): t. 25, fig. 1 (620)
3702781 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
U. Aldrovandi, Tav. Acquerel. Ulisse Alsrovandi, vol. 3 : t. 20 (1550-1600) [U. Aldrovandi]
4381571 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
Woodblocks Plantin-Moretus: t. 7283MPM.HB.07283 (1553-1601)
4373491 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
Woodblocks Plantin-Moretus: t. 6479MPM.HB.06479 (1553-1601)
4407711 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
R. Dodoens [Dodonaeus ], Stirp. Hist. Comment., vol. 1(): : p. 418 (1553-1554)
4410761 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
R. Dodoens [Dodonaeus ], Stirp. Hist. Comment., vol. 2(): : p. 298 (1553-1554)
3575831 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
P.A. Mattioli, New Kreüterbuch (Mattioli): p. 472, fig. C,D (1563)
3930131 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
R. Dodoens [Dodonaeus ], Stirp. Hist. Pempt.: p. 439, fig. 1 (1583)
3760841 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
M. de Lobel, Pl. Strip. Icon., vol. 1 : p. 679, fig. 1 (1591)
4393281 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
Woodblocks Plantin-Moretus: t. 5821MPM.HB.05821 (1553-1601)
2378801 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
C. Clusius, Rar. Pl. Hist., vol. 2 fasicle 5, : p. 96, fig. 2 (1601)
2462921 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
C. van de Passe, Hort. Flor. fasicle pars altera, : t. 54-55, fig. 55 (1614)
3493961 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
Hortulus Monheimensis: t. 140, fig. 2 (1615)
1389401 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
B. Bessler, Hort. Eystett., vol. 2 : t. 163, fig. 2 (1620) [B. Besler]
1389411 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
B. Bessler, Hort. Eystett., vol. 2 : t. 163, fig. 3 (1620) [B. Besler]
4272281 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
Gottorfer Codex, vol. 4 : t. 14, fig. b (1649-1659) [H.S. Holtzbecker]
4272301 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
Gottorfer Codex, vol. 4 : t. 15 (1649-1659) [H.S. Holtzbecker]
1406841 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
A. Munting, Naauwk. Beschr. Aardgewassen, vol. 1 : p. 281, t. 79 (1696)
3558311 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
A.Q. Rivinus, Intr. Rem. Herb., vol. 4 (TL2 9269): t. 129 (1699)
3558341 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
A.Q. Rivinus, Intr. Rem. Herb., vol. 4 (TL2 9269): t. 132 (1699)
3558351 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
A.Q. Rivinus, Intr. Rem. Herb., vol. 4 (TL2 9269): t. 133 (1699)
1260211 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
J.W. Weinmann, Phytanthoza iconogr., vol. 1 : t. 22, fig. a (1737) [unsigned]
1332471 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
J.W. Weinmann, Phytanthoza iconogr., vol. 1 : t. 21, fig. d (1737) [unsigned]
2705521 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
J. Quer y Martinez, C.G. de Ortega, Fl. Españ., vol. 2 : t. 20 (1762)
3944601 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
F.A.P. de Garsault, Descr. Vertus Pl., vol. 3 : t. 398 (1767)
1293351 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
J.S. Miller [Mueller, Müller], M.B. Borckhausen, Ill. Syst. Sex. Linn.: t. 48 (1770) [J. Miller]
781101 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
E. Blackwell, Herb. Blackwell., vol. 6 : t. 561 (1773)
4950861 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
N.F. Regnault, Botanique, vol. 1 : t. 75 (1774)
775281 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
P.J. Buchoz, Hist. Univ. Règne Vég., vol. 11 : t. 41 (1775)
736291 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
N.J. von Jacquin, Fl. Austriac., vol. 4 : t. 381 (1776)
4095131 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
J.J.N. Spalowsky, Diss. Cicuta: t. 3 (1777) [n.a.]
3963711 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
J. Zorn, Icon. Pl. Med., vol. 1 : t. 49 (1779)
1967931 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
P. Bulliard, Herb. France, vol. 1 : t. 45 (1780-1781) [P. Bulliard]
3948521 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
J.S. Kerner, Abbild. Oekon. Pfl., vol. 1 : t. 52 (1786)
2579461 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
D. Dodart, Recueil des plantes gravées par ordre du roi Louis XIV, vol. 1 : t. 13 (1788)
1882651 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
Plant. Indig. Exot., vol. 2 : t. 2 (1789)
1252491 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
W. Woodville, Med. Bot. (Woodville), vol. 1 : t. 6 (1790)
4134451 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
J.B.P.A. de Monet de Lamarck, J.L.M. Poiret, Tabl. Encycl., vol. 2 : t. 482, fig. 1 (1791-1823) [J.E. de Seve]
1508171 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
J. Zorn, D.L. Oskamp, Afb. Arts.-Gew., vol. 1 : t. 49 (1796)
3519451 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
J. Sturm, J.W. Sturm, Deutschl. Fl., vol. 2 (Heft 5-8): t. 34] (1798)
4105981 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
J.S. Halle, Deut. Giftpfl., ed. 3, vol. 1 : t. 14 (1801)
1523271 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
F.B. Vietz, Icones Pl. Med.-Oecon., vol. 2 : t. 138 (1804) [F.B. Vietz]
1566951 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
J.W. Palmstruch, Sv. Bot., vol. 1 : t. 46 (1807)
4418291 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
G.T. Wilhelm, Unterh. Naturgesch. Pflanzenr., vol. 6 : t. 55, fig. 94 (1814) [J. Schaly]
10962747 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
G.C. Oeder, Fl. Dan., vol. 10 fasicle 29, : t. 1698 (1819-1823)
3051216 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Monogr. Acon.: t. 12, fig. 1 (1820) [H.G. Reichenbach]
3051246 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Monogr. Acon.: t. 15, fig. 1 (1820) [H.G. Reichenbach]
3051376 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Monogr. Acon.: t. 13, fig. 2 (1820) [H.G. Reichenbach]
3051396 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Monogr. Acon.: t. 14, fig. 3 (1820) [H.G. Reichenbach]
3051426 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Monogr. Acon.: t. 15, fig. 4 (1820) [H.G. Reichenbach]
3051456 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Monogr. Acon.: t. 18, fig. 3 (1820) [H.G. Reichenbach]
2094691 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
J. Curtis, Brit. Entomology, vol. 5 : t. 731 (1823) [J. Curtis]
1748641 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
J. Roques, Phytogr. Méd., vol. 2 : p. 124, t. 129 (1825) [Hocquart]
403557xx 15012 Aconitum napellus L. [80 15624 Aconitum vulgare DC.]
T.F.L. Nees von Esenbeck, M.F. Wijhe (Weyhe), Pl. Medicin., Suppl.: t. 109A (1828-1833) [A. Henry]
589816 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
C.L. Loddiges, Bot. Cab., vol. 15 : t. 1410 (1828) [unsigned]
403558xx 15012 Aconitum napellus L. [80 15624 Aconitum vulgare DC.]
T.F.L. Nees von Esenbeck, M.F. Wijhe (Weyhe), Pl. Medicin., Suppl.: t. 109B, fig. a,b (1828-1833) [A. Henry]
4035596 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
T.F.L. Nees von Esenbeck, M.F. Wijhe (Weyhe), Pl. Medicin., Suppl.: t. 110 (1828-1833) [A. Henry]
3213941 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
T.F.L. Nees von Esenbeck, M.F. Wijhe (Weyhe), Pl. Medicin., vol. 1 : (1828) [A. Henry]
403582xx 15012 Aconitum napellus L. [80 15624 Aconitum vulgare DC.]
T.F.L. Nees von Esenbeck, M.F. Wijhe (Weyhe), Pl. Medicin., Suppl.: t. 109B, fig. c (1828-1833) [A. Henry]
403583xx 15012 Aconitum napellus L. [80 15624 Aconitum vulgare DC.]
T.F.L. Nees von Esenbeck, M.F. Wijhe (Weyhe), Pl. Medicin., Suppl.: t. 109B, fig. d (1828-1833) [A. Henry]
403584xx 15012 Aconitum napellus L. [80 15624 Aconitum vulgare DC.]
T.F.L. Nees von Esenbeck, M.F. Wijhe (Weyhe), Pl. Medicin., Suppl.: t. 109B, fig. e (1828-1833) [A. Henry]
2118431 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
D.N.F. Dietrich, Fl. Med. (Dietrich): t. 116 (1828-1831)
3108521 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
B. Maund, Bot. Gard., vol. 3 : t. 53, fig. 2 (1829) [E.D. Smith]
814421 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
W. Woodville, W.J. Hooker, G. Spratt, Med. Bot., ed. 3, vol. 3 : t. 165 (1832)
3853241 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
F.G. Hayne, Getreue Darstell. Gew., vol. 12 : t. 12 (1833)
3853266 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
F.G. Hayne, Getreue Darstell. Gew., vol. 12 : t. 14 (1833)
2294671 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
F.E. Guérin-Méneville, Dict. Pittores. Hist. Nat., vol. 1 : t. 3, fig. 7 (1833-1834)
753951 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
F.P. Chaumeton, Fl. Med., vol. 1 (nouvelle publication): t. 5 (1833)
3482131 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
W. Baxter, Brit. Phaen. Bot., vol. 2 : t. 87 (1835)
4276771 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
J. Roques, Phytogr. Méd., ed. 2, vol. 4(): : t. 103 (1835) [Hocquart]
1587381 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
J. Seboth, F. Graf, Alpenpfl., vol. 4 : t. 54 (1839)
1589991 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
J. Seboth, F. Graf, Alpenpfl., vol. 1 : t. 12 (1839)
2313971 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
J. Hegetschweiler, Die giftpflanzen der Schweiz: t. 5 (1839) [J.D. Labram]
4233231 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
M.A. Burnett, G.T. Burnett, Pl. Util., vol. 1 : t. 54 (1842)
3480811 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
C. Stupper, Med.-Pharm. Bot., vol. 2 : t. 112 (1843)
1196601 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
Family Fl. Mat. Med. Bot., vol. 2 : t. 75 () [P.P. Good]
4681001 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
F. Berge, V.A. Riecke, Giftpfl.-Buch (Atlas): t. 55 (1845)
1965511 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
F. Cassone, Fl. Med.-Farm., vol. 1 : t. 12 (1847)
1239011 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
J. Carson, J.H. Colen, Ill. Med. Bot., vol. 1 : t. 2 (1847)
470181 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
E. Hamilton, Fl. Homoeopathica, vol. 1 : t. 1 (1852) [M.D.]
1368701 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
J. Kops, Fl. Bat., vol. 11 : t. 878 (1853)
3591061 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
E. Winkler, Sämmtl. Giftgew. Deutschl.: t. 75 (1853)
3591076 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
E. Winkler, Sämmtl. Giftgew. Deutschl.: t. 76 (1853)
3591086 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
E. Winkler, Sämmtl. Giftgew. Deutschl.: t. 77 (1853)
1538691 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
J.E. Smith, Engl. Bot., ed. 3, vol. 1 : t. 48 (1863)
1754031 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
J. Gourdon, P. Naudin, Nouvelle iconographie fourragère, Atlas: p. 11, t. 5 (1865-1871)
1467981 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
H.E. Baillon, Hist. Pl., vol. 1 : p. 25, fig. 43-44 (1866) [A. Faguet]
1467991 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
H.E. Baillon, Hist. Pl., vol. 1 : p. 26, fig. 46 (1866) [A. Faguet]
4790151 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
J. Patek, : t. 25 (1867)
5097261 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
A. Dupuis, F. Gérard, G. Réveil, F. Hérincq, Règne Végétal, Atlas, vol. 1(): (Flore médicale 1): t. 2 (1870)
3310841 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
H.E. Baillon, Dict. Bot., vol. 1 : p. 34 (1876) [A. Faguet]
3239931 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
Repräsentanten einheimischer Pflanzenfamilien in bunten Wandtafeln mit erläuterndem Text: t. 48, fig. 3 (1879-1882) [C. Bollmann]
3312356 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
H.E. Baillon, Dict. Bot., vol. 2 : t. 2] (1879) [A. Faguet]
5023191 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
F.E. Hulme, S Hibberd, Fl. Giardini, vol. 1(): (Prima Serie): t. 4] (1883)
313501 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
F.E. Köhler, Med.-Pfl., vol. 1 : t. 72 (1887) [W. Müller]
2665261 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
A. Masclef, Atlas Pl. France, vol. 2 : t. 15 (1890-1893)
1860091 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
F.G. Kohl, Off. Pfl.: t. 43 (1891-1895) [F.G. Kohl]
4186581 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
A. Fiori, G. Paoletti, Iconogr. Fl. Ital.: p. 201, t. 1620, fig. 1 (1895-1904)
3222061 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
O.C. Berg, C.F. Schmidt, Atlas. Off. Pfl., vol. 3 : t. 117 (1896) [C.F. Schmidt]
1556481 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
W. Winkler, Sudetenflora: t. 2 (1900)
1498746 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
J. Sturm, E.H.L. Krause, K.G. Lutz, Deutschl. Fl., ed. 2, vol. 5 : t. 38 (1901)
3240111 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
A. Peter, Botanische Wandtafeln: t. 30, fig. 4 (1901)
1247961 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
F. Losch, Kräuterbuch, ed. 2: t. 21, fig. 1 (1905)
4908761 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
A. Sterler, J.N. Mayerhoffer, Eur. Med. Fl.: t. 65 (1906)
68211 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 133 [ser. 4, vol. 3]: t. 8152 (1907) [M. Smith]
2120911 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
P.H.H. Esser, Giftpfl. Deutschl. (Esser): t. 32 (1910) [W. Müller]
2082241 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
K. Hoffmann, E. Dennert, Botanischer Bilderatlas: t. 39, fig. 3 (1911)
1274651 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
Standardized products: p. 45 (1911)
1616231 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
K.R. Kirtikar, B.D. Basu, Ind. Med. Pl., Plates, vol. 1 : t. 9 (1918)
1555711 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
F. Oltmanns, Pflanzenleben Schwarzwaldes: t. 73 (1927) [E.G.B.]
4672316 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 65 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4672326 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 66 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4672346 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 68 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4672356 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 69 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4672391 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 1, fig. 2 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4672401 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 2, fig. 2 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4672411 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 2, fig. 3 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4671671 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 1, fig. 1 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4671681 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 2, fig. 1 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4671691 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 3 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4671701 15012 Aconitum napellus L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 4 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]

189 Aconitum napellus L. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Delphinium napellus (L.) Baillon;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
3591111 15078 Aconitum nasutum Fischer ex Rchb.
E. Winkler, Sämmtl. Giftgew. Deutschl.: t. 80 (1853)
4672441 15078 Aconitum nasutum Fischer ex Rchb.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 9, fig. 2 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4671751 15078 Aconitum nasutum Fischer ex Rchb.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 9, fig. 1 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4671761 15078 Aconitum nasutum Fischer ex Rchb.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 10 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]

190 Aconitum nasutum Fischer ex Rchb. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1289072 15087 Aconitum naviculare (Brühl) Stapf [0]
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 10(2): : t. 101 (1906)

191 Aconitum naviculare (Brühl) Stapf distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

192 Aconitum nemorum Popov distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

195 Aconitum nielamuense W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

196 Aconitum ningwuense W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

197 Aconitum nipponicum Nakai distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
592572 15113 Aconitum noveboracense A. Gray ex Cov.
Addisonia, vol. 20 : t. 650 (1937) [M. Sorensen]

198 Aconitum noveboracense A. Gray ex Cov. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1281405 15116 Aconitum novoluridum Munz
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 5(2): : t. 124 (1891) [G.C. Das & P. Bruehl]
1288995 15116 Aconitum novoluridum Munz
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 10(2): : t. 93 (1906)

199 Aconitum novoluridum Munz distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

200 Aconitum nutantiflorum P.K.Chang ex W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
4671842 15124 Aconitum ochotense Rchb.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 18 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]

201 Aconitum ochotense Rchb. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

202 Aconitum oenipontanum Gáyer distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

203 Aconitum okuyamae Nakai distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
95285 15137 Aconitum orientale Miller
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 52 : t. 2570 (1825) [J. Curtis]
4671952 15137 Aconitum orientale Miller
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 29 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]

204 Aconitum orientale Miller distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

206 Aconitum ouvrardianum Hand.-Mazz. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1289082 15155 Aconitum palmatum D. Don
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 10(2): : t. 102 (1906)
1616282 15155 Aconitum palmatum D. Don
K.R. Kirtikar, B.D. Basu, Ind. Med. Pl., Plates, vol. 1 : t. 14 (1918)

207 Aconitum palmatum D. Don distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Caltha bisma Buch.-Ham.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
3051352 15183 Aconitum paradoxum Rchb.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Monogr. Acon.: t. 10, fig. 3-5 (1820) [H.G. Reichenbach]
46720858 15183 Aconitum paradoxum Rchb. [80 14495 Aconitum delphinifolium DC.]
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 42 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]

209 Aconitum paradoxum Rchb. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

210 Aconitum parcifolium Q.E.Yang & Z.D.Fang distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

211 Aconitum paskoi Vorosch. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

212 Aconitum pavlovae Vorosch. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

213 Aconitum pawlowskii Mitka & Starm. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

214 Aconitum pendulicarpum P.K.Chang ex W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

215 Aconitum pendulum N.Busch distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

216 Aconitum pentheri Hayek distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

217 Aconitum phyllostegium Hand.-Mazz. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

218 Aconitum piepunense Hand.-Mazz. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

219 Aconitum pilopetalum W.T. Wang & L.Q.Li distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
30512212 15216 Aconitum plicatum Köhler ex Rchb. [80 14430 Aconitum clusianum Rchb.]
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Monogr. Acon.: t. 13, fig. 1 (1820) [H.G. Reichenbach]
3051256 15216 Aconitum plicatum Köhler ex Rchb.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Monogr. Acon.: t. 16, fig. 1,2 (1820) [H.G. Reichenbach]
3051275 15216 Aconitum plicatum Köhler ex Rchb.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Monogr. Acon.: t. 18, fig. 1 (1820) [H.G. Reichenbach]

220 Aconitum plicatum Köhler ex Rchb. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

221 Aconitum poluninii Lauener distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

222 Aconitum polycarpum P.K.Chang ex W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

223 Aconitum polyschistum Hand.-Mazz. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

224 Aconitum pomeense W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

225 Aconitum popovii Steinb. & Schischk. ex Siplivinskii distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

226 Aconitum potaninii Kom. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
3051342 15230 Aconitum productum Rchb.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Monogr. Acon.: t. 7, fig. 3 (1820) [H.G. Reichenbach]
4672042 15230 Aconitum productum Rchb.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 38 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]

227 Aconitum productum Rchb. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

228 Aconitum proliferum Nakai distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

229 Aconitum prominens Lauener distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

230 Aconitum pseudobrunneum W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

232 Aconitum pseudokongboense W.T. Wang & L.Q.Li distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
50295744 15244 Aconitum pseudolaeve Nakai
T. Iwasaki, Honzo zufu , vol. 21(): (3): , fig. 1 (1830-1844)

234 Aconitum pseudolaeve Nakai distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Lycoctonum pseudolaeve (Nakai) Nakai;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

237 Aconitum pseudostapfianum W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

238 Aconitum pterocaule Koidz. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Lycoctonum pterocaule (Koidz.) Nakai;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

239 Aconitum pteropus Nakai distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Lycoctonum pteropus (Nakai) Nakai;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

240 Aconitum puchonroenicum Uyeki & Sakata distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

241 Aconitum pulchellum Hand.-Mazz. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

243 Aconitum racemulosum Franch. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

244 Aconitum raddeanum Regel distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

245 Aconitum ramulosum W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
3980662 15286 Aconitum ranunculoides Turcz.
V.L. Komarov (Komorov), Fl. URSS, vol. 7 : p. 207, t. 13, fig. 1 (1934-1964)

246 Aconitum ranunculoides Turcz. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Lycoctonum ranunculoides Nakai;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

247 Aconitum reclinatum A. Gray distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

248 Aconitum refracticarpum P.K.Chang ex W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

249 Aconitum refractum (Finet & Gagnep.) Hand.-Mazz. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

250 Aconitum rhombifolium F.H.Chen distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

251 Aconitum richardsonianum Lauener distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Aconitum richardsonianum variety pseudosessiliflorum (Lauener) W.T. Wang;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

252 Aconitum rilongense Kadota distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

253 Aconitum rockii H.R.Fletcher & Lauener distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1752552 15319 Aconitum rotundifolium Kar. & Kir.
E.A. von Regel, Gartenflora, vol. 30 : t. 1063, fig. 2 (1881)
1289052 15319 Aconitum rotundifolium Kar. & Kir.
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 10(2): : t. 99 (1906)
72412 15319 Aconitum rotundifolium Kar. & Kir.
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 140 [ser. 4, vol. 10]: t. 8575 (1914) [M. Smith]
1616262 15319 Aconitum rotundifolium Kar. & Kir.
K.R. Kirtikar, B.D. Basu, Ind. Med. Pl., Plates, vol. 1 : t. 12 (1918)

254 Aconitum rotundifolium Kar. & Kir. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

255 Aconitum rubicundum Fischer ex Steudel distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

256 Aconitum sachalinense F.Schmidt distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

257 Aconitum saitoanum Ohwi distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

258 Aconitum sajanense Kuminova distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

259 Aconitum saxatile Vorosch. & Vorob. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

260 Aconitum scaposum Franch. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Aconitum cavaleriei H.Lév. & Vaniot;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

262 Aconitum sczukinii Turcz. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

263 Aconitum secundiflorum W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
50289444 15363 Aconitum senanense Nakai
T. Iwasaki, Honzo zufu , vol. 19(): (3): , fig. left (1830-1844)

264 Aconitum senanense Nakai distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

265 Aconitum seoulense Nakai distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1314332 15372 Aconitum septentrionale Koelle
C.A.M. Lindman, Bilder Nordens Fl., vol. 1 : t. 177 (1922)
4028635 15372 Aconitum septentrionale Koelle
V.L. Komarov (Komorov), Fl. URSS, vol. 7 : p. 207, t. 13, fig. 4 (1934-1964)
4672195 15372 Aconitum septentrionale Koelle
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 53 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]

266 Aconitum septentrionale Koelle distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Lycoctonum excelsum Nakai;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
4028666 15375 Aconitum seravschanicum Steinb.
V.L. Komarov (Komorov), Fl. URSS, vol. 7 : p. 227, t. 14, fig. 2 (1934-1964)

267 Aconitum seravschanicum Steinb. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

268 Aconitum sherriffii Lauener distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

270 Aconitum sinchiangense W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

271 Aconitum sinoaxillare W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

272 Aconitum sinomontanum Nakai distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Lycoctonum sinomontanum (Nakai) Nakai;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
3980672 15400 Aconitum smirnovii Steinb.
V.L. Komarov (Komorov), Fl. URSS, vol. 7 : p. 227, t. 14, fig. 1 (1934-1964)

273 Aconitum smirnovii Steinb. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

274 Aconitum smithii Ulbr. ex Hand.-Mazz. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1289012 15403 Aconitum soongaricum (Regel) Stapf [0]
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 10(2): : t. 95 (1906)
1616242 15403 Aconitum soongaricum (Regel) Stapf [0]
K.R. Kirtikar, B.D. Basu, Ind. Med. Pl., Plates, vol. 1 : t. 10 (1918)

275 Aconitum soongaricum (Regel) Stapf distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
610262 15409 Aconitum souliei Finet & Gagnep.
Bull. Soc. Bot. France, vol. 51 : t. 9 (1904) [C. Kastner]

276 Aconitum souliei Finet & Gagnep. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

277 Aconitum soyaense Kadota distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

278 Aconitum spathulatum W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

279 Aconitum spiripetalum Hand.-Mazz. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

280 Aconitum staintonii Lauener distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

281 Aconitum stapfianum Hand.-Mazz. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

282 Aconitum stenanthum Nakai distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

283 Aconitum stoloniferum Vorosch. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

284 Aconitum stramineiflorum P.K.Chang ex W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

285 Aconitum stubendorffii Vorosch. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

286 Aconitum stylosoides W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

287 Aconitum stylosum Stapf distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

289 Aconitum subvillosum Vorosch. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
4028622 15445 Aconitum sukaczevii Steinb.
V.L. Komarov (Komorov), Fl. URSS, vol. 7 : p. 207, t. 13, fig. 3 (1934-1964)

290 Aconitum sukaczevii Steinb. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

291 Aconitum superbum Fritsch distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

292 Aconitum swatense Tamura distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

293 Aconitum tabatae Tamura distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

294 Aconitum taigicola Vorosch. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

295 Aconitum taipeicum Hand.-Mazz. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

296 Aconitum talassicum Popov distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

297 Aconitum tangense Marquand & Airy Shaw distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

298 Aconitum tanguticum (Maxim.) Stapf distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Clematis orientalis var. tangutica Maxim.; Clematis tangutica (Maxim.) Korsh.; Ranunculus tanguticus var. dasycarpus (Maxim.) L. Liou; Ranunculus tanguticus (Maxim.) Ovcz.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

299 Aconitum tanzybeicum Stepanov distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

300 Aconitum tapeinocranum Rech.f. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

301 Aconitum taronense (Hand.-Mazz.) H.R.Fletcher & Lauener distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
610225 15475 Aconitum tatsienense Finet & Gagnep.
Bull. Soc. Bot. France, vol. 51 : t. 8 (1904) [C. Kastner]
610242 15475 Aconitum tatsienense Finet & Gagnep.
Bull. Soc. Bot. France, vol. 51 : t. 9 (1904) [C. Kastner]

302 Aconitum tatsienense Finet & Gagnep. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Aconitum tatsienense variety divaricatum (Finet & Gagnep.) W.T. Wang;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
790012 15478 Aconitum tauricum Wulfen
N.J. von Jacquin, Icon. Pl. Rar., vol. 3 : t. 492 (1786)
3051206 15478 Aconitum tauricum Wulfen
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Monogr. Acon.: t. 11 (1820) [H.G. Reichenbach]
3051366 15478 Aconitum tauricum Wulfen
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Monogr. Acon.: t. 12, fig. 2,3 (1820) [H.G. Reichenbach]
3051416 15478 Aconitum tauricum Wulfen
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Monogr. Acon.: t. 15, fig. 3 (1820) [H.G. Reichenbach]
3051435 15478 Aconitum tauricum Wulfen
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Monogr. Acon.: t. 17, fig. 2 (1820) [H.G. Reichenbach]
3051446 15478 Aconitum tauricum Wulfen
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Monogr. Acon.: t. 18, fig. 2 (1820) [H.G. Reichenbach]
3213952 15478 Aconitum tauricum Wulfen
T.F.L. Nees von Esenbeck, M.F. Wijhe (Weyhe), Pl. Medicin., vol. 1 : (1828) [A. Henry]
3853252 15478 Aconitum tauricum Wulfen
F.G. Hayne, Getreue Darstell. Gew., vol. 12 : t. 13 (1833)
4680842 15478 Aconitum tauricum Wulfen
F. Berge, V.A. Riecke, Giftpfl.-Buch (Atlas): t. 35 (1845)
4672286 15478 Aconitum tauricum Wulfen
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 62 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4672292 15478 Aconitum tauricum Wulfen
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 63 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4672306 15478 Aconitum tauricum Wulfen
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 64 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4672335 15478 Aconitum tauricum Wulfen
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 67 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4672365 15478 Aconitum tauricum Wulfen
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 70 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]

303 Aconitum tauricum Wulfen distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

304 Aconitum tenue Rydb. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

305 Aconitum tenuicaule W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

306 Aconitum teppneri Mucher ex Starm. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

307 Aconitum tongolense Ulbr. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
4672032 15503 Aconitum toxicum Rchb.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 37 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]

308 Aconitum toxicum Rchb. distributionfilter: global
homotypic synonyms:
Aconitum toxicum subspecies lasiocarpum (Rchb.) Grint.;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

310 Aconitum tsaii W.T. Wang distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

311 Aconitum tsariense Lauener distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

312 Aconitum tschangbaischanense S.H.Li & Y.H.Huang distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

313 Aconitum turczaninowii Vorosch. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

314 Aconitum uchiyamai Nakai distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

315 Aconitum umbrosum (Korsh.) Kom. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
2770612 15540 Aconitum uncinatum L.
Coll. Vélins Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris, vol. 41 : t. 1 () [N. Robert]
81542 15540 Aconitum uncinatum L.
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 28 : t. 1119 (1808) [S.T. Edwards]
4923512 15540 Aconitum uncinatum L.
L. Trattinnick, Auswahl Gartenpfl., vol. 2 (tt. 101-200): t. 193 (1821)
2364592 15540 Aconitum uncinatum L.
A. Lounsberry, E. Rowan, A guide to wild flowers: t. 48 (1899) [E. Rowan]
2360712 15540 Aconitum uncinatum L.
A. Lounsberry, E. Rowan, Southern wild flowers and trees: p. 176 (1901) [E. Rowan]
4672012 15540 Aconitum uncinatum L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 35 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]

316 Aconitum uncinatum L. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
4268712 15558 Aconitum variegatum L.
H.S. Holtzbecker, Grønne Florilegium: t. 160, fig. 348 () [H.S. Holtzbecker]
4386812 15558 Aconitum variegatum L.
Woodblocks Plantin-Moretus: t. 7804MPM.HB.07804 (1553-1601)
3935502 15558 Aconitum variegatum L.
R. Dodoens [Dodonaeus ], Stirp. Hist. Pempt.: p. 438, fig. 2 (1583)
3772072 15558 Aconitum variegatum L.
M. de Lobel, Pl. Strip. Icon., vol. 1 : p. 678, fig. 2 (1591)
4356252 15558 Aconitum variegatum L.
Woodblocks Plantin-Moretus: t. 4598MPM.HB.04598 (1553-1601)
2373192 15558 Aconitum variegatum L.
C. Clusius, Rar. Pl. Hist., vol. 2 fasicle 5, : p. 98, fig. 1 (1601)
4268992 15558 Aconitum variegatum L.
Gottorfer Codex, vol. 4 : t. 15 (1649-1659) [H.S. Holtzbecker]
1563432 15558 Aconitum variegatum L.
R. Morris, Fl. Conspic.: t. 22 (1826) [W. Clark]
1448476 15558 Aconitum variegatum L.
C.L. Loddiges, Bot. Cab., vol. 3 : t. 203 (1827) [G. Cooke]
3853286 15558 Aconitum variegatum L.
F.G. Hayne, Getreue Darstell. Gew., vol. 12 : t. 16 (1833)
3105232 15558 Aconitum variegatum L.
B. Maund, Bot. Gard., vol. 7 : t. 158, fig. 1 (1837) [S. Maund]
3591105 15558 Aconitum variegatum L.
E. Winkler, Sämmtl. Giftgew. Deutschl.: t. 79 (1853)
3591122 15558 Aconitum variegatum L.
E. Winkler, Sämmtl. Giftgew. Deutschl.: t. 81 (1853)
4080282 15558 Aconitum variegatum L.
D. Bois, Atl. Pl. Jard., vol. 1 : t. 12 (1891-1893)
4215522 15558 Aconitum variegatum L.
A. Fiori, G. Paoletti, Iconogr. Fl. Ital.: p. 200, t. 1619, fig. 9 (1895-1904)
1196982 15558 Aconitum variegatum L.
E. Step, D. Bois, Favourite Fl., vol. 1 : t. 12 (1896) [D.G.J.M. Bois]
2120922 15558 Aconitum variegatum L.
P.H.H. Esser, Giftpfl. Deutschl. (Esser): t. 33 (1910) [W. Müller]
4672002 15558 Aconitum variegatum L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 34 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
46717358 15558 Aconitum variegatum L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 7 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
46717458 15558 Aconitum variegatum L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 8, fig. 1 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4671776 15558 Aconitum variegatum L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 11 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4671966 15558 Aconitum variegatum L.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 30 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]

317 Aconitum variegatum L. distributionfilter: global
heterotypic synonyms:
Delphinium variegatum Baillon;
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
4671921 15595 Aconitum villosum Rchb.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 26 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4671931 15595 Aconitum villosum Rchb.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 27 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4671946 15595 Aconitum villosum Rchb.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 28 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]

318 Aconitum villosum Rchb. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
1289032 15604 Aconitum violaceum Jacquem. ex Stapf
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 10(2): : t. 97 (1906)

321 Aconitum violaceum Jacquem. ex Stapf distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
577492 15613 Aconitum volubile Pallas ex Koelle
N.J. von Jacquin, Fragm. Bot.: t. 123 (1809)
7962412 15613 Aconitum volubile Pallas ex Koelle
J.P.B. Delessert, A.P. de Candolle, Icon. Select. Pl., vol. 1 : t. 65 (1820) [P.J.F. Turpin]
T. Iwasaki, Honzo zufu , vol. 19(): (3): , fig. left (1830-1844)
4671906 15613 Aconitum volubile Pallas ex Koelle
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 24 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4671912 15613 Aconitum volubile Pallas ex Koelle
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 25 (1998) [H.G.L. Reichenbach]

322 Aconitum volubile Pallas ex Koelle distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
3591142 15625 Aconitum vulparia Rchb.
E. Winkler, Sämmtl. Giftgew. Deutschl.: t. 83 (1853)
4672222 15625 Aconitum vulparia Rchb.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 56 (1998) [Hüm. & H.G.L. Reichenbach]
46722358 15625 Aconitum vulparia Rchb.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 57 (1998) [Hüm. & H.G.L. Reichenbach]
4672242 15625 Aconitum vulparia Rchb.
H.G.L. Reichenbach, Ill. Sp. Acon. Gen.: t. 58 (1998) [Hüm. & H.G.L. Reichenbach]

323 Aconitum vulparia Rchb. distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

324 Aconitum williamsii Lauener distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

325 Aconitum woroschilowii Luferov distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

326 Aconitum wuchagouense Y.Z.Zhao distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

327 Aconitum yangii W.T. Wang & L.Q.Li distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

328 Aconitum yinschanicum Y.Z.Zhao distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

329 Aconitum yunlingense Q.E.Yang & Z.D.Fang distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

330 Aconitum yuparense Takeda distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr

331 Aconitum zigzag H.Lév. & Vaniot distributionfilter: global
links:     IPNI (International Plant Names Index)    WFO (World Flora Online)   Google   Flickr
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