2460602 48840 Alternanthera sericea Kunth M. Barnas-Pomeroy, C.F.J. Barnas, Wildflowers and landscapes of Ecuador - The way we knew it fasicle App., : t. 154 (2014) [M. Barnas-Pomeroy]
1279095 48638 Alternanthera halimifolia (Lam.) Standl. ex Pittier [116 12688 Achyranthes halimifolia Lam.] N.J. von Jacquin, Select. Stirp. Amer. Hist., vol. 2 (Plates): t. 60 (1762)
4329095 48748 Alternanthera paronychioides A.St.-Hil. C. Plumier, Mss., vol. 4 (Botanicon Americanum seu historia plantarum Americanis insulis nascentium): t. 94 (1689-1697) [C. Plumier]
1562255 48748 Alternanthera paronychioides A.St.-Hil. J. Zorn, N.J.F. von Jacquin, Dreyhund. Amer. Gew., vol. 1 : t. 66 (1785-1786)
2051845 48748 Alternanthera paronychioides A.St.-Hil. N.J. von Jacquin, Select. Stirp. Amer. Hist., ed. 1780-1781: p. 42, t. 90 (1780-1781) [N.J. Jacquin]
4231045 48748 Alternanthera paronychioides A.St.-Hil. C. Plumier, J. Burmann, Pl. Amer.: t. 21, fig. 2 (1755-1760)
2126875 48748 Alternanthera paronychioides A.St.-Hil. N.J. von Jacquin, Select. Stirp. Amer. Hist., ed. 1780-1781 [BNC]: p. 42, t. 90 (1839)
1898755 48807 Alternanthera pungens Kunth P.B. Webb, S. Berthelot, Hist. Nat. Iles Canaries, vol. 2(3): : p. 193, t. 199 (1836) [J.C. Heyland]
291095 48807 Alternanthera pungens Kunth C.P.F. von Martius, Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl. Bras., Plates, vol. 2 : t. 152 (1826)
3548065 48807 Alternanthera pungens Kunth Carlos Bettfreund, Fl. Argent., vol. 1 : t. 42 (1898) [F. Burmeister]
528095 48844 Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R. Br. ex DC. [116 474305 Gomphrena sessilis L.] Fl. Madag., vol. 67 (Amaranthacées): p. 49 (1954) [M. Bouf]
377175 48844 Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R. Br. ex DC. [116 474305 Gomphrena sessilis L.] Fl. Congo Belge, vol. 2 : p. 75, t. 6 (1951) [J.M. Lerinckx]
4017865 48844 Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R. Br. ex DC. [116 474305 Gomphrena sessilis L.] V.L. Komarov (Komorov), Fl. URSS, vol. 6 : p. 274, t. 18, fig. 14 (1934-1964)
4819375 48844 Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R. Br. ex DC. [116 474305 Gomphrena sessilis L.] K. Watanabe, Ill. Useful Pl. South. Reg., vol. 2(1): (Edible plants): t. 498 (1945)
1217645 48844 Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R. Br. ex DC. [116 474305 Gomphrena sessilis L.] G.E. Rumphius (Rumpf), Herb. Amboin., vol. 6 : p. 37, t. 15, fig. 1 (1750)
1302465 48844 Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R. Br. ex DC. [116 474305 Gomphrena sessilis L.] R. Wight, , Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient., vol. 2 : t. 727 (1846) [n.a.]
15802458 48500 Alternanthera bettzickiana (Regel) G.Nicholson [107 1002642 Telanthera bettzickiana Regel] J. Rothschild, Pl. Feuill. Col., vol. 2 : t. 33 (1870)
2910358 48580 Alternanthera ficoidea (L.) Sm. [-1] C.P.F. von Martius, Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl. Bras., Plates, vol. 2 : t. 148 (1826)
2910558 48580 Alternanthera ficoidea (L.) Sm. [-1] C.P.F. von Martius, Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl. Bras., Plates, vol. 2 : t. 150 (1826)